
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Soda Bottle Easter Basket

Juliette made this adorable Easter Basket at school and I had to share it I thought it was so cute!

To make it they cut the top off of a soda bottle then covered the cut edge with duct tape so no little fingers would get cut.  The kids decorated the feet and head with crayons, a pom pom for the nose and foam stickers for the pink of the ears.  There are also pipe cleaners for the whiskers.  The arms are attached with a brad across the top on either side to make the handle, which can move back and forth.  Finally there is a white pom pom glued on the back for the cotton tail.

I don't have a template for the pieces but they are pretty simple you can use white construction paper and free hand the shape of the arms and feet.  The head is a simple circle with a little extra at the bottom so that it sticks up from the bottle.  Then you can get creative and make the ears any shape you want.

**If you try this I would love t hear about it send me a link to any pictures so I can see how they came out!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Catch a Leprechaun ~ Leprechaun Trap Attempt #2

Last year we made our first Leprechaun Trap and the girls are even more determined to catch him this year.  Since he was able to eat his way out of the trap last year, the girls decided we needed something a bit sturdier and decided to use some boxes that we were going to recycle, string and some Plastic Gold Coins.

How to Catch a Leprechaun Emily and Juliette painted the boxes using rainbow colors in hopes of attracting the Leprechaun.  Then Daddy helped them rig up a pulley system over the chandelier with some string that was attached to gold coins.  When The Leprechaun picked up the gold coins we hoped the box would fall on top of him and trap him. 

Leprechaun Trap

The girls were all ready for bed and so excited  to see if the trap worked.

Leprechaun Trap   We didn’t catch the Leprechaun, but he did leave us some chocolate coins and in his haste to escape he left his hat behind, which made the girls really happy.  The trickster also turned our milk green and the water in the potty green too.

Hopefully we have better luck catching that tricky leprechaun next year!!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Post-it's + Stack n Smile Photo Blocks = Learning Fun

We have had our set of Stack n Smile Photo Blocks for awhile now, and I always want to use them for learning activities, but never get around to filling their sides with "stuff."  I was putting together a game for Juliette and realized the cubes would work perfectly, but ahh I did not have the time to format a page on my word processing program with the letters I needed then cut them out and put them in the cubes.  That's when I realized POST-ITS !!!!  I was able to quickly write the letters on each post it and they were the perfect size to slide right into the pockets.  I am so excited for all the fun learning activities that we can now quickly put together.