
Monday, March 30, 2009


Tot School

Our week in TOTSchool.
Emily is 25 months old

This week TOTSchool was basically non-existent, however we did do a lot of fun and educational things outside of the house that I didn't get pictures of. My husband is doing work in the house during the week so I was not able to stay home with Emily like we normally do.

We did get to do some painting. Emily enjoyed painting with her hands on this large piece of packing paper.

Emily did a lot of puzzles. This Abby Cadabby Puzzle
is one of her favorites!

Music Class: My amazing friend does a music class for all the kids in our playgroup once a week. She always has a different theme and incorporates counting, singing, movement and different kinds of instruments. She even got a parachute to use with the kids like at Gymboree. Emily's favorite part is going under it!

Playgroup: A group of us met at the Library when our kids were only about 9 months old. When the Library Program ended decided to get together at each other's houses during the break in the program. Every week we get together at a different house and the kids get to play and the mommies get to share ideas, talk and play with the kids. It has been such a great support system!

Parent-Child Workshop at the Library: Our local library is amazing. Emily loves going to pick out books and play with the toys. They also run a lot of different programs during the year. Some are one time and the other's meet weekly. This Workshop meets weekly and the kids get to play, and there is usually a craft of project for the kids to do, then the librarians read a story and do some songs. Each week they also have a resource person, such as a nutritionist or a speech pathologist come in to be available to answer any questions the parents may have. This week they had a music specialist come and do a music program with the kids which Emily LOVED!

Our favorite books from this week:

  • Harold and the Purple Crayon ~ Crockett Johnson
  • Hug ~Jez Alborough
  • A Splendid Friend, Indeed ~ Suzanne Bloom
  • Alphabeep : A Zipping, Zooming ABC ~ Debora Pearson

Check out what others are doing in their TOTSchools by clicking the button at the top of this page!!


  1. Lily has that same puzzle, so cute! I the music, library and play groups all sound like fun. I really wish we had somthing like that in our area

  2. Wondering where you get these kind of puzzles from? Thanks

  3. This puzzle was from Target...I like it because it is nice and sturdy. I think it was about $5.00.

  4. I love how you tell the fave books of the week. I always forget everything I don't have pics of. Thanks for sharing!
