
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Project with Daddy!!

"I Had a Rooster" Tree

Emily loves the book I had a Rooster by Laura Vaccaro Seeger. So this weekend Daddy decided it would be fun to make a project that goes with the book. It was so cute to watch them working together!

Emily coloring in the animals and Daddy making the tree.

Emily coloring.

Showing daddy her work.

To finish the tree Emily glued on Green Berries made from hole punching green paper.


  1. I love daughter-daddy projects. I think Emily also looks very much like her daddy :)

  2. What a creative and memorable way to enjoy some daddy-daughter time.

    I have been catching up on your past posts and have printed out the Muffin counting game as I think Savvy will love this.

    Muffins for brekkie always make for a special way to start the day.

  3. Way to go, Dad! Very sweet. Great idea too. :)

  4. Don't you love when Dad steps in to do projects with the little one! Go Dad!

  5. Looks like a great project. Thanks for the idea! And great job daddy!

  6. It so cool to see dad making the tree! Looks like fun!
