
Sunday, September 20, 2009


Tot School

Our week in TOTSchool!
Emily is 31 months old.

We jarred tomato sauce for the year with Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Danny.
Mommy, Emily and Daddy washing our tomatoes.
Emily watching Daddy and Uncle Danny poking the cooked tomatoes.

This week we worked on the letter "Aa"
Emily painted the letter Aa with green,yellow and red paint for the colors of apples. When she was finished I helped her trace over each letter in the paint.

When her Aa painting was dry we used it to help us find the magnetic letter Aa's. When Emily found them she put them on the magnetic board on top of her painting.

Emily practiced sorting beans as part of our Open-Ended art project. Go here to check out the finished product! I bought a bag of bean soup that had 14 varieties of beans. My mom and I help Emily with this because there were a lot of beans! She did a great job though.
We read 10 apples and made Emily with 10 apples up on top for our stART project this week. Go here to find out more about the weekly stART project I host here at A Mommy's Adventures.

Grandma watched Juliette while I took Emily to a music program at the library. When we got home Emily and my mom worked on a Noah's Ark sticker book, while Juliette watched.

Having fun with Juliette in the bouncer.

We went Apple Picking with our cousin Genevieve, Chris and Logan. Emily was so excited to visit Logan. She was so good in the car the whole 3 hour ride there and 3 1/2 hour ride home on the same day! I was so excited that Juliette was perfect the whole time too.
Daddy lifting Emily to reach the apples at the top of the tree.

Emily picking a nice red apple.

Our family

Emily loves to sing along with the songs we listen to in the car. Here she is singing Growing Up For Jesus to Juliette (and the camera).

Our favorite books from this week:

Check out the great things that others are doing in their TOTSchools by clicking the button on the top of this page!!


  1. how cute mine loves to sing too but she sings lots of Miley songs :)

    Love the mixture of books!

  2. I love that pic of your hubbie lifting Emily. And that video is precious :)

  3. Lots of great activities, what a fun week! Love the hands on learning. Great video.

  4. The pics of the girls together are absolutely adorable! And wow - that's a lot of tomato sauce! You'll be set for a LONG time, huh?!

  5. Hi Michelle

    So many fun hands on activities. Tomato suace for a year - wow!

    I loved the family picture and the pictures of your two beautiful girls.

  6. I love your family picture - so beautiful. It sounds like a peaceful and happy week all around.

  7. I love the video! How sweet to see Emily sing that song!

  8. My goodness, what a lot of tomatoes! I love the apple picking pictures too and of course the sisters picture. :) The floor puzzle looks like a lot of fun too!
