
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dancing, Dancing, Dancing…

…and a little singing too!!

Grandpa got Emily and Juliette EVERY Laurie Berkner CD for Christmas!  We have been listening to her CD’s regularly now and we all enjoy singing and dancing to her songs.  I love that the songs encourage Emily to get moving, they are so upbeat and exciting that you can’t help dancing and singing along.  

One day after listening to Fruit Salad Salsa in the car I couldn’t get it out of my head.  Of course the only cure for a song stuck in your head is to listen to it, so I brought the CD into the house and played it over and over and over again.  Emily and I danced around the living room laughing and giggling to the music! 

Check out Laurie Berkner’s Blog too!

What musician does your child enjoy listening to?


  1. We LOVE Laurie Berkner!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on your blogiversary too!

  2. We love the Do the Dragon song in our house... so much fun dancing around the living room :) Thanks for the link to her blog!

  3. Melody said, "She's dancing so fast." That's a cute song. We'll have to check that out. We're still listening to this past summer's VBS CD.

  4. Hey Emily & Family,
    Charli Beth and I went out to our mail box a few minutes ago, and we have the sweetest envelope in there that was filled with adorable stickers! Thank you so much! Charli Beth's favorite color is green too! She loves her card and has been so anxious to learn about New York now! Charli is already wanting me to write out another card letting you know her favorite colors and toys! Thank you again, and we hope that our card & stickers arrives to you very soon!

    Have a great week!!

  5. Fun blog. I just found it through tot school.I am now following your blog. I am an elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom too. I loved teaching, but feel so blessed to be able to stay at home and teach my own child. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  6. Oh my that is so cute! I love videos like that.
    My kids haven't found anything yet they're absolutely nuts for, it's just music they like. I should get some of her stuff.
    Of course Princess just makes up her own songs for everything....
