
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine’s Day Sensory Tub


PomPoms and Glittery Sensory Fun!!

Emily loves her rice sensory tub.  Usually we only have rice and some shovels and buckets in it, but for Valentine’s Day I added pink, white, red and purple pom poms in a variety of sizes.  I also added some pink, silver and red sequins.   I am thinking about adding some small foam hearts too!


The girls at the rice tub. 


Why use a sensory tub?  At first I thought this same thing, but decided to give it a try.  Emily loved it from the second her little fingers touched all those little pieces of rice.  For Emily if found our sensory tub  great for practicing, scooping, pouring, sifting all while having a lot of fun.  There are also many other benefits too.  Here is a great recourse about sensory tables or tubs.

Do you use a sensory tub at your house?? 

If you do what do you usually put in yours??


  1. I have a tub at my house with rainbow colored rice that is pretty big. I had 5 little ones playing at it one day. It doesn't get brought out all that often, maybe once a week or so. I also have a large bowl that stays out on my kitchen counter that is filled monthly. This month it is oatmeal, foam hearts, cinnamon sticks, and sparkly pom poms. This gets played with daily.

  2. I recently started using sensory tubs with my daughter about 2 months ago. I've only used oatmeal and then yesterday I let her play with torn up tissue paper. When I first heard of sensory tubs I thought it would be fun and didn't think much about the educational value. She loves it and I see her learning using it. She learns a lot about cause and effect especially.

  3. Right now my boys are playing with one that has shells (Hawaii shells) and rice, beans, and oatmeal. They love their sensory tubs too. I also have one with coconut and lots of pink for valentines.

  4. That is so cool! My sister has a huge sensory tub that she fills with corn for her Halloween party. It usually has Halloween plastic toys in it as well.

  5. Oh I bet that was fun!
    We don't usually have one because all of my attempts at it have been very messy.

  6. I love the colour and ideas you used for your Valentine sensory tub.

    We often use a sensory tub. I am trying to mix it up more this year and make sensory tubs that fit in with our themes.

    We always have a large container ready of colured pasta (that I dyed) ready to go - as you said it's great for pouring, scooping and measuring. With Savvy we talk about concepts like more, less etc.

    Earlier in the year we had a tub for our theme, New Beginnings (to celebrate the New Year), it was filled with a snow powder and symbols that represent new beginnings. That was a big hit.

    I like to use upcoming events on our calendar (celebrations etc) and our themes for inspiration to create a sensory tub.

  7. we did a sensory tub preschool theme one day and i forgot what a hit it was! love the valentines theme...i need to make this a regular part of our routines...thanks for the inspiration!

  8. what fun! I wanted to do this for my boys but rice seems so pricey! I am waiting for my supermarket to have their large bags BOGO again. You have some great ideas! :)

  9. Hiya I always thought what was the point other than a lot of mess lol. However since using them I have found that both my children really love sensory play. I have a 21 month old and a 3.5 year old so it is hard to find stuff for them both to do but sensory tubs are perfect for this.
    We have used: dried pasta twils, cornflakes, rice crsipies, jelly, moonsand, lentils, various beans, clean mud (3 toilet rolls torn up, grated soap bar and water mixed together it becomes rather like snow).
    I have just started my blog so am only learning about blogging but please check it out as I think I have some good ideas lol x

  10. We used scoops, rice, red beans, pom poms, hearts...take a look when you get the chance. They sure loved it. YOu have a nice site!

  11. thanks for the post
