
Monday, May 31, 2010

Having Fun Learning

Our Week Having Fun Learning Together!

Emily is 39 months old and Juliette is 10 months old

We have been so busy the past 2 weeks I haven’t had a chance to sit down at the computer and get anything posted.  So here are all the fun things that we have been doing while having fun learning together!!


Emily and Juliette had a great time playing and checking out books at our library, which is one of our favorite places to visit!!


We were given this amazing bounce house for FREE!!!  Emily and Juliette both really enjoyed playing on in it while Aunt Christina watched them.


We had an amazing trip into NYC to visit Aunt Patty and Uncle Patrick.  We watched Daddy and Aunt Patty run in a 5k and then we got to take a boat ride to see the Statue of Liberty.


Emily loved working on these Melissa and Doug Farm Puzzles.  I took them out after they were away for awhile and it was like a brand new toy.  She was so excited when she saw them and did them almost every day for the past 2 weeks.


Emily really enjoyed these little people paint with water coloring pages.  She did about 8 of them in a row!


Emily and Daddy made  homemade pizza for dinner…yummy!!


Emily went to her friend’s birthday party, they decorated shirts and also did some dancing.  She was very excited to wear her pajamas and ballet slippers.


We headed to New Jersey to visit our friends who were doing Historical Dancing at a Spring Festival for the Bergen County Historical Society.  Naomi and Jesse gave us a tour of the historical houses, Emily played some games, and we got to watch the dancing and listen to music.


The girls made the letter W with stickers, this was a great fine motor skill activity that Emily really enjoyed working on.  Juliette had fun watching too :0)


We made Watermelons for the letter W.  Emily used her fingerprints for the seeds.


To go along with our W theme the girls made waffles for lunch. 


Emily loved that they had the imprint of Tigger and Winnie the Pooh on them!!


We went for a walk through the park and then the girls got to play on the playground.  I loved this picture of Emily in action!!!


For our stART project we read One Watermelon Seed and made a magic root painting flower picture.


I got a sample of a Highlights Puzzle Magazine in the mail and Emily had a great time working on it.  Although the magazine was for 4-7 year olds she was actually able to complete the sample activities with only a little bit of help from me.  Here she matched the stickers to complete the picture then we talked about the silly things that were going on in the picture.  On the other pages she had to find the hidden pictures and circle them which she did almost completely on her own and then find two pictures that were the same.  I helped her with this one.

My dad just got her Highlights High 5 and now I can’t wait for her first issue I think she is going to have so much fun reading and doing the activities in it!


Emily and Ryliegh had fun playing on the swing set in our backyard.

 IMG_3699 We went to Aunt Christina's Bridal Shower this weekend.  Emily was such a big help.  She got to sit next to Aunt Christina and collect all the bows to make her hat!  It was so amazing to watch her and see how big she is getting.  She was such a little lady the whole day!!

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Juliette has been enjoying playing with this Melissa and Doug Stacker.  She pulls the pieces off and can put them back on too.  This keeps her busy for a while and Emily enjoys helping her out and playing with her.

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Juliette is starting to eat some of her foods cut up into little pieces.  She LOVES being able to feed herself like this, I can’t believe how big she is getting!!


Braeden, Anna and Juliette playing with bin of blocks!


Juliette in the stroller at the park.


I gave Juliette a crayon and some paper to see what she would do.  We tried this a few weeks ago and she tried eating the crayon almost right way.  This time she did push it around on the paper a little bit…then try to eat it :0)


Juliette LOVES climbing!!


She goes all the way up the slide…


…and then pushes herself down.  ALL BY HERSELF!!!!!   She is and adventurous little girl, she also climbed the rock wall on the swing set by herself, I couldn’t get a picture since I was right behind her the whole way!!


Juliette exploring some grape scented purple play dough.  She was pretty good with this…it took her a while before she finally decided to taste it!  I loved watching her pull it apart and study it :0)


The 4 amigos plotting their escape from the play pen during art group!!


Our favorite books from the past two weeks:

  • My New York ~ Kathy Jakobsen
  • One Watermelon Seed ~ Celia Barker Lottridge
  • Go Dog Go ~ P.D. Eastman
  • Millie Moo ~ Roger Priddy

Check out the great things that others are doing with their children by clicking these buttons!!

Tot School


  1. Your pictures are great!!! I love the one of you guys with your friends dressed in period cool!

  2. Looks like a crazy fun week! Your girls look so much alike. :) The watermelon art idea with fingerprint seeds is great - definitely going to try that one!

  3. My kids still pull out that puzzle set.

  4. AnonymousJune 01, 2010

    Lots of fun stuff going on over there!! We love going to the different libraries around here. They are all unique so there's always new stuff to play with. We love Hi-Five! We have a few copies of PuzzleBuzz too, but Melody can't do all the activities in there yet. I'm so glad they have these for the kids now. I remember we just had the Highlights for Kids when we were young.

  5. AnonymousJune 01, 2010

    What a wonderful few weeks of learning! Still really love the magic seeds project :-)

  6. We also got a sample Highlights in the mail and i usually just recycle them. But connor found it this time and loved it!

  7. You have all been busy! I love the sticker W activity, it made me chuckle though as Selena would have the stickers every where but on the W! She has to wear them don't you know!

  8. Hi there! Looks like you guys had a fun week! The dry erase crayons are from crayola and I found them at walmart! :)

  9. Looks like a great week! You have so many amazing activities!

  10. Love your little watermelon fingerprint craft ~ too cute!!

  11. Does this count as your longest blog post ever! It sure seems like it! Glad you've been having so much fun. How lucky are the girls to get a bounce house and how lucky are Mom and Dad too! I love what you said about how the puzzles seemed new again. I've started rotating and it's been great to see how well ER responds to them as they become new again!
