
Monday, August 16, 2010

Juliette’s First Muffin Tin Monday!!!!

This has certainly been a big week for Miss Juliette, she had a major surgery and is now home and recovering very nicely.  She has also regained her appetite so I figured today would be the perfect day to have her very first Muffin Tin Monday!  She loved it and I was so excited to be making muffin tin breakfast for my two little girls.

Juliette’s Muffin Cup Breakfast


Raisin Bread cut outs, Baby Oatmeal, Blueberries

    IMG_4810 Ooooh what is this???IMG_4811


I LOVE Muffin Tin Monday!!!


Emily’s Muffin Tin Breakfast

Of course Emily loved her Muffin Tin Breakfast too.  She was so surprised when I brought her tin to the table!


Top Row: Frozen Fruit (mango, peaches, grapes, strawberries and blueberries), Orange Juice, More frozen fruit

Bottom Row: Multigrain Cheerios and Apple Jacks with Milk, Raisin Bread cutouts, more Multigrain Cheerios and Apple Jacks with Milk.


Emily enjoying her breakfast

IMG_4814 My Muffin Tin Girls!!!


  1. Aw your little girl looks quite satisfied with her meal.

  2. What a great breakfast!

  3. What a fun breakfast! J looks great, glad to hear her surgery was a success!

  4. very cute - I should do this with my baby too! Glad she's feeling better Michelle! She's so cute! :)

  5. Can't wait until I can give my little his tin without fearing for my floor ;)
    Love the cereal, I don't know why I didn't think of that! I'm sure my daughter would *love* it.

  6. Adorable!! Glad her appetite is back! Looks like a great breakfast for your girlies :-)

  7. Yay!! And goodness- they look more and more alike all the time!

  8. They're so cute and look absolutely happy with their mtm breakfast.
