
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bible Alive ~ Turning Water into Wine

This year I am teaching Emily’s Sunday School class at our church.  As we prepare for Easter during this season of Lent we are talking about Jesus’ miracles.  Since I love doing story and art projects (stART).  I try to do the same with the kids in my Sunday School class.  I think this helps make the story come alive and be something that they can remember and re tell a little better.

To start I read Jesus Goes to a Wedding (John 2:1-11) from Jesus for Little Ones: Illustrated Bible Stories for Children, by Charles Foster.  I like this book because the stories are written in a way that makes them easy for children to understand.  It also tells you where you can find this story in your bible so it is very easy to make the connection between the two.

After talking about the story we made the Turning Water into Wine craft from Crafts From Your Favorite Bible Stories , by Kathy Ross  to remind the children of Jesus’ first miracle.

To make this craft you will need 2 paper plates.  I cut out a curved section from one of the plates before the kids started. Then I traced around the cutout onto the bottom plate to give them a guide for coloring with the blue and red markers, but after completing the project realized you don’t need to do this, you can just have them color half of it blue and half of it read.IMG_2006 Emily colored one half of the plate blue and the other half red.  Then she colored the top piece with the cut out green.IMG_2007

Next, we put the green plate on top of the red and blue plate and attached them with a paper fastener.  (I already made the holes so it was easy for the kids to do on their own.)


Finally Emily glued the brown Jug that I cut from construction paper on one side of the plate so that it looked like the water/wine was pouring out of it.

Now for the fun part,


as you turn the bottom plate around it looks like the water is…


…turning into…

IMG_2069  WINE!!

Check out Bible Alive! Tuesday at The Fantastic Five for some more great ways to make the Bible Come Alive as you share God’s Word with your little ones.


  1. I LOVE this! What an awesome idea!

  2. Great idea! I was having a hard time coming up with an alternative craft for our sunday school lesson, so thanks for posting! Can't wait for them to try it!

  3. Thanks so much this is such a great idea! My Sunday School class will love this!!

  4. Thank you for your marvelous idea, and I would like to use it during Sunday School, I hope that you won't mind.

  5. thank you as a Sunday School teacher this has been a great help may The Lord bless you

  6. Thank you for a great idea. It really is simple but I know my Sunday school class will love it. Hope you don't mind me sharing!
