
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today is...

Emily is learning the days of the week. I found a days of the week kit at the dollar store months ago and finally took it out...well actually remembered that I had it stashed away somewhere :0)

There are actually 3 holders, "Yesterday was...", Today is..." and "Tomorrow will be..." for each of the days of the week, but for right now we are just focusing on "Today is..."

So, every morning after breakfast we sit by the calendar and say the days of the week rhyme.

"There are seven days in a Week"

There are seven days, there are seven days, there are seven days in a week.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

I actually learned the rhyme when I was in middle school in my French class. We do not say it in French yet, however that will be the next step. Here it is:

Il y a sept jours à semaine (There Are Seven Days in a Week)

Il y a sept jours, il y a sept jours, il y a sept jours à semaine: lundi(Monday) mardi(Tuesday) mercredi(Wednesday) jeudi(Thursday) vendredi(Friday) samedi(Saturday) et dimanche(Sunday).

After we say the rhyme we go over what day today is and then talk about what we will do today.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I found the same Days of the week kit at the dollar store. They had a few good teaching kits there actually. I've always been a big fan of that rhyme. It gets stuck in your head...which is good for someone learning the days of the week. :)
