
Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Art Group

Ice Cube Painting and Salt Paint Snowmen

This week I added white glitter to our peppermint play dough.  It had such a nice shimmer to it, I loved playing with it!!


I saw the idea for these ice cube paintings on No Time For Flash Cards and new I had to try it with our Art Group.  All of the girls had so much fun working with this cold twist to painting!!!

Ice Cube Painting



I love these messy art hands!!!


I read the girls Snowballs, by Lois Ehlert.  It is a cute book about a snow family.  The pictures show all the different and creative things that you could use to create a snowman.  After reading the book we were all ready to make some of our own!


I made these with Emily one day last year and we had so much fun.  Her blob looked like a melted snowman mess, but she was so proud of it.  I thought it would be the perfect winter project to try again with our Art Group.


The girls had white paint with salt and glue to paint their snowman with.  I just gave them a piece of blue construction paper and let them make whatever shape they wanted. 

Next, I put out beans, beads, corn kernels, pom poms, wiggly eyes, fabric, construction paper hats and stickers and let them add anything they wanted to their snowmen.

All of the girls were so proud of their work and it was so much fun to watch and listen to them as they were making them!


Juliette and Braeden had fun playing together when Art Group was over!


  1. we love Ehlert we read his book today too! Cute crafts1

  2. I love the pic of the babies playing together. :)

  3. I like that Snowballs craft. We are getting ready to bring that book back to our library, but maybe i will try to do this project first. So how much salt and glue did you add to the white paint?

  4. I can't believe Juliette is five months old already. Time flies. We love Ehlert books. Looks like you had a great time!

  5. I LOVE the salt snowmen they made- too creative!

  6. so cute! Sammy loves this book.. I need to use salt to make a snowman :-)

  7. What a busy day and fun too! Lois Ehlert is one of my absolute favorites.

  8. hi I teach pre=k and we are doing ice painting next week, how did you write words ice painting right on your picture, I love your site

  9. How cute!! Maddie loves that book, too!

  10. We had so much fun at Art :)

  11. thanks for posting a comment and I will look into that website. If you liked what you saw I would love for you to follow me so we can see what each other is teaching, learning and doing LOL

  12. So cute! Love your blog. I've nominated you for an award at

  13. ooh i want to be part of a friday art these!

  14. I left you an award on my blog today. You inspire me so much with your creativity and activities for tots!

  15. These are such great art group activities! I may have to use this next week as we start up our art playgroup again post-holidays.

  16. Your art group looks like so much fun! We just don't have that sort of thing around here and it's a bummer!

    LOVE the ice cube painting. Super!

    Snowballs is currently one of Joe's favorite books.

    You are such an awesome mom Michelle!

  17. lol that snowman looks very artistic... looks like they had fun... hows the art group going? looks great!

  18. very cute - I love the painting. I saw something similar to this somewhere else too that I wanted to try out. You have great ideas! Great job! :)
