
Monday, February 15, 2010

I Can Do It All By Myself!!

Emily decided that she could put her coat on all by herself and that she does not need my help anymore. I am very excited for this since it really helps in getting ready and out of the house a bit faster. The only problem was that I would find myself saying, “OK, Emily please get your coat on” only to realize it was hanging way up in the closet out of her reach. So to fix this little problem, my husband added these wonderful hooks on the inside of the coat closet. Now Emily can get her coat AND put it on all by herself!!!


I also love that she can put her coat away all by herself too :0)


  1. I always love when my kids get new skills that move them towards independence. And that's a great idea of putting the hooks at her level.

  2. Great idea with the hooks! Connor is learning how to do things on his own too and your right- i love how much help it is when we are going out the door!

  3. that's great! I love the hooks! Come stop by my blog I have a surprise for you - (no it's not an award :) Look under giveaway

  4. oohh so awesome! I Love enabling them to be able to do things on their own!

  5. We're about to do this too. We got tired of getting her jackets from the hooks at the top so we just have them piled on the bench, and that's not working for this neatfreak mom, so we got the hooks a couple of weeks ago but haven't had a chance to put them up yet. Isn't it great how they are starting to do so much on their own?!

  6. Such a great idea! I wish we had a closet. Our coats are piled on the (non-working) fireplace hearth next to our big plastic box of shoes. I just keep telling myself someday we'll have our own house with such luxuries :)

    By the way, I finally added you to my blog roll. Don't have a clue why I hadn't done it before. But you're on there now!
