
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Costume Fun 2010

Emily the Bunny

This year Emily wanted to be a Bunny Rabbit, I love bunnies so I was thrilled.  Here is my cute little bunny rabbit.

IMG_5906This costume was fun and easy to make.  She wore white pants, shirt and shoes.  I made a large pom pom and sewed it to the back of her shirt.  We had the bunny ears from Easter I just added the pink foam in the middle and my mom sewed her a felt play food carrot (you can check out all her other felt play food creations in our Yummy Felts etsy store!)  which we added a ribbon to so she could wear it as a necklace while trick or treating.

Juliette the Candy Corn

IMG_5889            When I was going through boxes of Halloween decorations I found Emily’s Candy Corn Costume and realized it would fit Juliette this year.  I loved this costume so much I was so glad that Juliette would be able to wear it.  She wouldn’t wear the hat, but I still think she was the cutest little candy corn.

Halloween 2010

Trick or Treating with Friends

Emily and Juliette had fun spending the afternoon trick or treating with their friends.  The three older girls took turns ringing the door bells.  I loved watching them holding each others hands while walking!

 Halloween 2010 2 Juliette LOVED Halloween

This was the first year that Juliette could really participate in Halloween and she loved everything about it.  She ran from house to house.  And when she was at the doors waiting she pushed herself right up to the front of the line holding her own bucket filled with candy.

Halloween 2010 3 The Candy and Family!!

Emily and Juliette in their pile of candy.  I love the bottom picture that Daddy took of Emily covered in her candy!

We were also able to spend Halloween with our Family.  Juliette is with her God-Mother and Emily is with her God-Mother.

IMG_5912I can’t wait until next year when cousin Brianna will be joining the girls running from house to house trick or treating!!


Happy Halloween!!


  1. Oh my goodness! They are so cute. What fun!

  2. Glad to see you used the Candy Corn costume again! Both of the girls looked adorable in it- you are such a blessed Mama!

  3. Very cute costumes! That felt carrot is a really nice touch and quite clever of you to make it into a necklace.

  4. OMG, that Candy Corn costume is adorable! I LOVE it!

    But hold on a minute--you guys do trick or treating in the day light?!? What's with that? Seriously. What time did you go out at?

  5. Cute costumes!!!! Really fits them well! Looks really fun (:

  6. Oh how sweet. Super cute!

  7. Great costumes. I'm pretty much in love with the candy corn dress. I'm already envisioning it in an adult size for next year.

  8. Cute cute costumes! I love the candy corn :-)
