Thursday, July 1, 2010

stART ~ Corduroy’s 4th of July

Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a stART tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects. Be sure to check it out!! All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


This week to get ready to celebrate the 4th of July we have been reading Corduroy's Fourth of July, by Don Freeman.  This is a simple board book that both Emily and Juliette are able to enjoy.  The book is sturdy enough to stand up to Juliette tugging at the pages and the simple story lists some of the fun things that you do to celebrate the 4th of July.  Emily and I talked about the things that we saw in the pictures and how they were similar or different from the things that we are going to do.

Emily and I made a flag inspired wind sock to help decorate our house for the 4th of July. 


Emily used the star piece to our shape sorting bucket to cover a piece of blue construction paper with star prints.


I didn’t have any streamers handy so I cut red and white tissue paper into thin strips.  Once the stars where dry I had Emily glue the tissue paper strips to the bottom of the paper.  She did a great job with the red and white pattern.  Once she covered the bottom in the tissue paper we rolled the blue paper and taped it together.


I hole punched two holes in the sides at the top and used a shiny silver pipe cleaner to hang it.

I love this festive windsock and Emily had a great time making it!!


sbswtp said...

Very cute project! Ryleigh loves this book :)

Jen said...

What a great project. Wish I had thought of/seen this during our "W" week. I was looking for an easy windsock or windchime. And I love that you used the shape sorter star for a stamp!

Mama to 5 said...

very cute! we were going to make one using an oatmeal container but then I realized I didn't have one! Have a Happy 4th! :)

Anonymous said...

Am impressed with the neatness of the printing! Lovely! And fab idea to use shape sorters...

We were inspired by one of the books your reviewed a few weeks back (Strawberries, Mouse and Bear). Hurray!

Thanks for hosting!


Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

So simple and so cute! The stars turned out really well - she did a great job!

Anonymous said...

oo very festive!! Love how it turned out!

Christy Killoran said...

That came out great! I love the stars.

Unknown said...

Can Em come over and decorate our place for the 4th? :0)

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Very nice! I love how the stamped stars turned out. We read Coduroy's 4th of July with our craft, as well. It's such a sweet story :)

Jennifer in MamaLand said...

I love the idea of using the shape-sorter pieces with PAINT. My kids have outgrown these and I was just on the verge of giving it away... :-o

Charlene Juliani said...

Awesome idea for a 4th decoration....we may be copying this one. Very cute!

Rebecca said...

I love how perfect that star stamps looks on the paper!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I agree with the other folks... the stamped stars came out PERFECTLY clearly... love it! The red-white pattern was a great addition too. :)

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Too funny - we attempted wind sock too (see my post from yesterday), and it didn't go nearly as well as yours. Emily is quite an artist. We haven't read this Corduroy book, it sounds lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love your wind sock. My son would love this. Maybe we will make one too. Have a wonderful weekend!

Amy said...

This wind sock is so cute! I'm featuring it on my blog with some other Fourth of July projects! You can check it out at

Have a great week!


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