Sunday, December 15, 2013
Our Elf on the Shelf Ginger Week 2
A Very Minted Christmas
This year as I was looking for ideas for our card I noticed that Minted had a really great selection of fun designs for their Photo Christmas Cards.
Here are just a few of the fun designs that caught my eye as I was browsing their site. I am planning on a playful card this year the girls are excited to wear their Christmas Pajamas, so these seemed like they would go really well with our theme.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Elf On the Shelf Adventures Week 1
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Our Elf on the Shelf is BACK!!!!
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Mixed Media Family Turkey Project
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Neighborhood Toy Store Day 2013!!!

I Heart My Neighborhood Toy Store and I personally love finding quality unique toys that my children enjoy playing with that also stimulates their mind and imagination. Big box stores do not always carry these high quality toys and I feel they often cater to "fad" toys that children outgrow quickly and are usually cheaply made. At your local toy store you can find a wide selection of the best toys on the market that your children will really enjoy playing with. In addition, shopping locally offers better customer service and is a great way to support your community!
November 9, 2013 is the 4th annual Neighborhood Toy Store Day. Participating local stores will host in-store events for families (such as activities, craft projects, live performances and/or special discounts) to help kick off the holiday shopping season and celebrate the joy of shopping for toys! This annual event is coordinated by the non-profit organization ASTRA, the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association.
You can find a participating toy store at Your Neighborhood Toy Store.
Here are some of the quality toys you could find for sale at your neighborhood toy stores, that are all winners of ASTRA's Best Toy for Kids 2013:

Clara absolutly loves her Skwish Classic by Manhattan Toy. This is an innovative wooden rattle that truly provides her with entertainment. I have seen her push it, squish it, drop it toss it, shake it and reach for it when it gets away from her. It definitely holds her attention and encourages grasping and reaching skills which is very important for a 6 month old!!

Bunny Peek A Boo by Smart Toys and Games, Inc. is a 3D puzzle made up of sturdy wooden blocks and a cute rabbit character. Juliette and Emily loved solving these puzzles by choosing one of the cards and recreating the picture they see with the wooden pieces. This game helps develop spatial perception skills.
RingStix Lite byRingStix System Enterprises LLC is variation of the game of catch. Players pass the ring back and forth using two sticks that are available in a variety of colors. this game can even be played independently. The girls are really looking forward to testing this out once the weather is warmer.

Monday, May 6, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Soda Bottle Easter Basket
To make it they cut the top off of a soda bottle then covered the cut edge with duct tape so no little fingers would get cut. The kids decorated the feet and head with crayons, a pom pom for the nose and foam stickers for the pink of the ears. There are also pipe cleaners for the whiskers. The arms are attached with a brad across the top on either side to make the handle, which can move back and forth. Finally there is a white pom pom glued on the back for the cotton tail.
I don't have a template for the pieces but they are pretty simple you can use white construction paper and free hand the shape of the arms and feet. The head is a simple circle with a little extra at the bottom so that it sticks up from the bottle. Then you can get creative and make the ears any shape you want.
**If you try this I would love t hear about it send me a link to any pictures so I can see how they came out!!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
How to Catch a Leprechaun ~ Leprechaun Trap Attempt #2
Last year we made our first Leprechaun Trap and the girls are even more determined to catch him this year. Since he was able to eat his way out of the trap last year, the girls decided we needed something a bit sturdier and decided to use some boxes that we were going to recycle, string and some Plastic Gold Coins.
Emily and Juliette painted the boxes using rainbow colors in hopes of attracting the Leprechaun. Then Daddy helped them rig up a pulley system over the chandelier with some string that was attached to gold coins. When The Leprechaun picked up the gold coins we hoped the box would fall on top of him and trap him.
The girls were all ready for bed and so excited to see if the trap worked.
We didn’t catch the Leprechaun, but he did leave us some chocolate coins and in his haste to escape he left his hat behind, which made the girls really happy. The trickster also turned our milk green and the water in the potty green too.
Hopefully we have better luck catching that tricky leprechaun next year!!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Post-it's + Stack n Smile Photo Blocks = Learning Fun
Monday, February 18, 2013
Letter and Number Sticker Matching
First, I wrote all the letters of the alphabet in capitals on colored dot stickers. Then I wrote the lowercase letters on a plain piece of paper. I did these in a random order so Juliette really had to hunt for them. Finally, she used the stickers to cover the letter matches.
This was the perfect activity for my sticker loving preschooler!!! After she finished she said "another one, another one!!"
So next we did this with numbers and dots. She practiced counting the dots and covering them with the matching number.