Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ They Really do Love Each Other!


We have been having sleepovers on our living room floor for naptime.  This has been the ONLY way that I can get Juliette to her much needed nap these days.  They both thought it was the best thing ever.  We put all the blankets and pillows on the living room floor and turn on some calm music and Juliette loves to lay with Emily.  I was so glad that I was able to capture this moment before they went to sleep.  They really do love each other :0)


Anonymous said...

I love that they nap together! This picture is so wonderful!

Jennifer said...

Oh how sweet!! I love catching moments like this with my girls too!

Anonymous said...

sooooooo sweet!!!!!!!

MaryAnne said...


Olives and Pickles said...

So sweet..

Cassie said...

What a sweet pic!!


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