Thursday, April 29, 2010

stART ~ One Bean

Welcome to  stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too.  All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a stART tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects.  Be sure to check it out!!  All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order. 

One Bean cover-lg

This week we read One Bean, by Anne Rockwell.  I have to admit that when I saw this book at the library I was drawn in by the cute cover and the excitement of planting our own bean seeds.  When I opened the book I was not sure if it would hold Emily’s attention since there were a lot of words on each page, however I figured it was worth a try.  I am SO glad that I did.  Emily really enjoyed this book.  It is a simple, yet informative book about planting for preschoolers.  The illustrations are bright and simple, yet very accurate.  This is a great book to go along with any planting unit especially planting beans!!

Emily and I planted beans in a egg carton container that Emily painted.  We both agreed that this was the perfect project to go along with this book.


The book started with the description of a bean so I gave Emily one of our beans (I dried and saved them from last years bean plant).  Emily enjoyed actually getting to touch and describe our bean too.


Emily sprayed a paper towel with water to get the beans ready to be planted just like in the book.  This step helps the beans to sprout quicker, plus it was fun for Emily she loved using the spray bottle!  All we did was wet the paper towel and then place the beans on it.  Cover them and let them soak a bit. IMG_3251

Now we were ready for our art project.  To make the container for the beans we used an egg carton.  I have seen this done many times before, but have never actually tried it myself.  So I can’t wait to see what happens!  First I cut the top off of the egg carton.  We are going to use this as our holder, I figured it would collect any water that may seep through the egg carton.  I gave Emily different colors of paint and let her cover the whole thing!

IMG_3267We put the top part that Emily painted under the egg carton and then she filled up the egg cup part with soil.   IMG_3268

Emily added one bean seed to each cup. IMG_3269

Then she covered them with some more soil.

IMG_3270Finally she used the dropper to water each section.  I think this was actually her favorite part!


Emily’s finished planter!!

***It seemed like most people liked the thumbnail linky, I was able to make the title a bit longer so I am going to give this a try.  Let me know if this is better.  I can’t wait to see all your great projects!!!


Mama to 5 said...

I LOVE this idea - this is one of my favorite stART's you have done - what a great job! :)

sbswtp said...

What a fun project!!! And Emily can watch them grow :)

Ticia said...

I love watching beans grow, I think every kid does. I know mine do. They love to drown, I mean water the plants.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Beans are great because the seeds are so big, and they sprout quickly. It's wonderful you found a book that goes so well with the activity, and that Emily got to bring the story to life!

Unknown said...

This is great! I am so glad you shared this idea this week because we are doing seeds/flowers next week and this will fit in perfect. Now I need to see if the library has that book :)

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

We love Anne Rockwell, but haven't read this book. It's awesome that you combined it with the whole hands-on project of actually planting the beans. I hope they will grow big and strong.

Brimful Curiosities said...

I hope you share a picture when the seeds sprout. Very neat. We are also starting to plant our seeds. My daughter has great plans for her own flower garden. We haven't read this Anne Rockwell book either but it looks wonderful for this time of year!

Fun Frugal Mommy said...

What a great spring StArt book and activity. When I was teaching we grew beans in a paper towel in a a plastic bag. It was a neat activity because the kids could actually see the roots sprouting along with the rest of the plant.

Unknown said...

Oh, tell Miss Em that she needs to send me some bean soup when she's done cultivating... ;0)

Anonymous said...

oo very cool! I have never started seeds like that either! I have a fun tomato plant to do in a kit with Sammy soon :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great activity. The book looks great!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

I have GOT to get my kids outside and in the garden! I've also always been too chicken (and impatient) to do starter seeds!

Anonymous said...

Naughty me, forgot to post my comment yesterday!! Love this post! Especially the use of eggcartons as egg planters!! Great bit of recycling! Will do that with Red Ted next year!!!! thank you

Elise said...

I really like the idea of using an egg carton to plant seeds. Emily is going to have so much fun keeping an eye on her sprouting beans.

Trudie said...

We also planted beans this week!


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