Monday, March 8, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday ~ Yellow

This weeks theme for Muffin Tin Monday is Yellow.  I thought that this was going to be a hard Muffin Tin to come up with, but surprisingly there were plenty of yellow foods in my house!!

IMG_2036Top Row: Cottage Cheese with Pineapple, Egg Salad on a Croissant, Banana

Bottom Row: Banana, Egg Salad on a Croissant, Vanilla Pudding with Yellow Sprinkles 

Emily’s favorite part of this lunch was defiantly the pudding, but the Egg Salad on the Croissant was a close second (who would have thought!!)

*** A Muffin Tin Conversation with Emily ***

Emily: Mommy can we have Muffin Tin Monday??

Me: But today is not Monday.

Emily: What day is it?

Me: Today is Saturday. 

Emily: Oh ok, then can we have Muffin Tin Saturday!!

How could I resist, you gotta love 3 year olds :0)


Jennifer said...

What a FUN way to introduce variety and make food fun!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with your daughter- MTM is RARELY on Mondays for us!

Oh, and "yellow" and "brown" tend to be my eldest daughter's favorite food groups (ya know, the starches and breads!)...

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! Sammy loves egg salad as well. The conversation was too cute!

Christy Killoran said...

Very cute. Our MTMs are never on Mondays!

Rebecca said...

Mmm, i want egg salad now.

Deb said...

Very cute! And that totally sounds like something my 4-year-old would say!

Anonymous said...

We did Muffin Tin Sunday at my house. Really nice tin!

Christy said...

lol My girls are always asking me if its Muffin Tin Monday yet!

Sela said...

Funny, my daughter had the same idea on Friday last week. Probably because I was cleaning a muffin tin from our crafts :) Great tin, love the egg salad.

PS I just realized that our kids are nearly exactly the same ages :) My kids are about a month older than yours, fun!

Kay | UPrinting said...

I really like the color yellow because it looks so vibrant and alive! I must say that you really did a good job with the yellow muffin theme! Every things looked oh so delicious!

Michele said...

Mmm, I like the egg salad on a croissant. I think I may have to try that one day to add some variety to our lunches.

Kristen said...

Love it!!! I really like all that felt food you are selling. I think I might have to get some this weekend when I have a little more time to look around. The tin and the felts are so cute.

w said...

love it. my girl is always asking ... "is today muffin tin monday?" yeah. for the rest of her life, the days of the week will be sunday, muffin tin monday, tuesday, etc.


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