I am excited to be joining in on the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 hosted by 5 minutes for Mom. I started blogging a little over a year ago and am hooked. I have “met” so many creative mommies and am so thankful for all the ideas that we have shared. My name is Michelle and I am elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom to 2 beautiful little girls. Emily is 3 years old and Juliette is 9 months old. On my blog I share all the fun, creative and crafty things that we do during the day. In June I will be married to my husband, and best friend for 6 years. It is because of my wonderful husband that I am able to stay home with my little girls. They may drive me crazy sometimes, but I am so thankful for this opportunity to be with them and teach them.
I love art and crafting of all sorts, in fact I have an associates in Commercial Art and at one time really wanted to be in advertising. In addition to that I LOVE books. I could spend hours browsing the shelves at our local any library or bookstore. So to combine my two loves I decided to host stART (A Story + Art = A great stART) every Thursday. This gives other families a chance to do projects connected to a book that they have enjoyed and share it with everyone. Each week I love checking out all the wonderful books and projects to go with them!
Thank you for stopping by my corner of the blogosphere and enjoy the party!!
There are so many cool prizes to be won at this year’s Ultimate Blog Party, but my top three picks would be:
- The Grand Prize: Toshiba Satellite L505D-ES5025
- #32 – $25 Target Gift Card
- #31 – A $20 Amazon gift certificate
Hi Michelle! What a beautiful family picture! I'm already a follower of yours but wanted to stop by anyway and say hi. Your Etsy felt food is awesome!
So glad I found you on the ultimate blog party list! I am big into arts, too. I stay home with my two sons and we do arts and crafts pretty much every day! Stop by my site when you have a chance! -Roxanne
I love your site - you have an adorable family
Hi Michelle, just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy UBP! I love that picture of your family!
Hi Michelle...cute girls! Nice to meet you! Stop by my parties (yea, I have 2 blogs - I'm a nerd like that) when you have a chance.
Hi Michelle, I love your idea of sharing crafts about the books that you read. I honestly never thought of doing that. We read so many books though, surely we could think of some. I will have to come back and read what some of the ideas are!
Hope you have a great time at the party this week and meet lots of great bloggers and friends!
Hi, Michelle. I come from Ultimate Blog Party 2010. Cute daughters
Nice to meet you. I hope you have time to visit mine as well, in HERE. Have a nice weekend.
HI Michelle ... I began following you just a couple months ago but love all of your great homeschooling ideas! Even though my girls are a little older {8&7} it's still neat to get HS ideas from you. I love the idea of the stART thing and I would like to give it a try.
blessings! Kathy k.
Glad you joined in on the fun Michelle! Enjoy the party & have a great weekend! :)
Hmmmm..... Maybe I'll break down and do this. I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts about this.
Hi Michelle! Nice to meet you :) I love the stuff in your Etsy shop, so cute! I love to crochet. Mostly hats right now, but I've also done some amigurumi. Look forward to getting to know you! :)
Hi, I'm visiting via the Ultimate Blog Party 2010. Love your blog.
Visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party!!! You have a beautiful family. I love your idea of connecting craft projects to books. My boys love crafts and I am alwasy trying to come up with fun things to do. I will be stopping by to check out what you come up with. :)
Adorable family! Hopping over from the UBP!
Already a follower, but just thought I'd stop by and say Hi :)
Thanks for hosting stART every week, we love it!
We are bookworms over here!! I could live at the library. I'm so sad I'll never be able to read all the books in the world. =p We could visit up to 3 libraries in a single week sometime. And you don't to have pay money to take the books home! Wow! =p stART is a fantastic idea.
What a beautiful family! Thanks for stopping by my blog during the UBP 2010!
Nice to meet you! I look forward to your crafts. I don't have a crafty bone in my body :)
Cute pic! I already follow your blog & hope you'll stop by to party with me as well :)
Look at that curly hair. How beautiful she is! You have a lovely family. I am also a teacher.
I am doing a giveaway on my blog for a headband set. Please come by and enter.
Nice to see a familiar face at the party!
Love this post on getting to know you a little bit more :-0
Thanks for stopping by Cook Clean Craft, and helping me find your blog. Looks like there are some great kiddie activities here that I'll have to try with my son. Happy UBP!
Stopping by from the UBP 2010
Cute blog you have here and adorable girls!!
Hope you get a chance to visit mine too!
Party on!
Hey, visiting from the UBP. I love the picture of you and your fam in the pew (huh, I don't think I know how to spell that...). Anyway, I'm also a former el. ed. turned SAHM. My husband loves to say that I have a classroom of 2 now. Well, nice to meet you! Feel free to pop on over...I do have a giveaway going on right now.
Hi! I'm visiting from UBP! Great little blog and I like the kid friendly cooking list you've made. My kids get so excited to help in the kitchen! I don't participate in stART but I've seen it all over the blogosphre. I do love kid books though and I share some on my blog. Please come visit!
Obviously, I am not a novice to your blog, but it's great that many more people might join StArt. I love your weekly linky!
Hi!!I am stopping by from UBP! I hope you have a great week! Feel free to some by and say hi :)
Good Deals, Coupons, Freebies & A few words of encouragement.
Dropping by from the UBP! You have a beautiful family :)
I love your blog!! Can't wait to see more!! I'm stopping over from the UBP 2010!!
Hi there! Just popping in from the UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you have a great week! Swing by my blog when you get a chance!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
I love your creative ideas with stArt and enjoy your blog tremendously. I linked to you in my UBP post.
Stopping by form the UBP.
You have a lovely blog.
Please stop by sometime.
You know I totally love your stART activities and all you do for us over at 'we teach'!! Cannot tell you how happy I am that we've connected via the blogosphere!
You are incredible, your blog is awesome, and your family is adorable!!
REALLY great blog....and I love the design...This is such a fun party and I have met some of the greatest bloggers... I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....
Love the blog! Happy UBP 2010!!
Just stopping by from UBP! I love finding fellow Christian bloggers! Hope you're looking forward to a wonderful weekend. I would LOVE for you to drop by my blog, Savings & Stewardship, when you get a chance! We're giving away a copy of the book Enjoy Your Money! by J Steve Miller at Midnight TONIGHT (Fri), and there aren't many entries - so feel free to enter for a chance to win - quick link can be found in the top right sidebar of my blog!!
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