Monday, April 26, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

This week there was no theme for Muffin Tin Monday and thank goodness for that!  I wasn’t planning anything special for lunch and thought I might do Muffin Tin Monday for dinner.  However when we pulled up to Grandma’s house for lunch today, Emily said “Mommy what day is it?”  I said “Monday” and she smiled so big and said “That means we are having Muffin Tin Lunch!”  We dusted off Grandma’s Muffin tin (which happens to be identical to mine…)  and filled it with Emily’s Muffin Tin Lunch which is basically leftovers take 2!!

Emily’s Muffin Tin Lunch leftovers take 2!


Top Row: Blueberry Muffin, Fruit Cup, Penne a la Vodka

Bottom Row: Pizza, String Cheese, more Penne a la Vodka


Sela said...

Gotta love leftovers!
I too had to pack my MTM today since I was at a friend's house, but my daughter would not let us have MTM for dinner or not at all (heaven forbid!). That's alright, though, since I'm getting other mommies hooked on MTM too :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, lunch at grandma's and in a muffing tin. Can it get any better?!

MaggieK said...

great way to get rid of leftovers...I love it

Ladynred said...

Looks good and yummy. Leftovers

Jamie said...

Looks great!

Anonymous said...

You have great leftovers! What a great tin!

Kathy said...

we made our first stART project last week! I just wanted to thank you for all your great HS ideas! if you'd like to check it out this is our blog address ...

blessings! Kathy

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

What a great way to present leftovers. I am going to have to try that. My little one is two and most times will not eat leftovers even if she liked the meal the first time around. I blame her father =)


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