Thursday, June 24, 2010

stART ~ On Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish


Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a stART tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects. Be sure to check it out!! All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.








This week we read One fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss.  Emily LOVES when we read Dr. Seuss.  We also have the board book version of this book for babies, which we also read with Juliette.  Both girls love moving the little fish beads on the top of the board book.  Emily pointed out all the different colored fish and helped Juliette count them.

I had some really cute foam fish that went really well with this book and when I saw the idea for finger painting on sandpaper at The Shafer Family I knew I had the perfect project.  I actually did the finger painting with our art group and it went over very well, with the exception of on little girl that didn’t want to try it, but loved doing it at home :0)

Sandpaper Oceans

IMG_4066IMG_4065 I gave each child white paint and two shades of blue paint  to finger paint with on a sheet of sandpaper (I got the sandpaper at the dollar tree 12 sheets for $1.00!!!) IMG_4078

After the paint dried we glued Emily glued the fish onto the sandpaper.  As she was gluing them she told me that they were all following in a line.  I love when she tells me stories about her art project! IMG_4113Emily’s Finished Sandpaper Ocean 


Christy Killoran said...

I love the idea of painting on sandpaper. I might have to do that with my story hour group next month. I am heading to Dollar Tree to see if I can find the sandpaper.

We are big fans of Dr. Seuss too! He was born in Massachusetts!

Maggy, Red Ted Art said...

That mus have been a wonderfully tactile experience! We will have to give it a go too!!! Lovely. Thank you. And I didnt know you could get that cute baby board book from Dr Seuss. We LOVE Dr Seuss (Sweet potatoes in our house are called "Dr Seuss potatoes" as in German "Suess" = Sweet).

Will investigate

Thank you for hosting!

Mama to 5 said...

Very cute Michelle! You are so creative! Thank you for hosting this EVERY week! :)

Katie said...

I can tell they had fun, that whole sheet is covered! Not a blank spot on Emily's paper. I had no idea the dollar store sold sandpaper, when I needed some I ended up with an economy pack from the hardware store at fifteen bucks! Oh well, it's lasted me six years so far☺

Debbie said...

What a cute idea! We have to get back into stART again ourselves. It's time to leave our little break behind us and begin to move forward again. When? I am not sure yet!

Anonymous said...

oo what a fun idea! I think we will have to try this soon!

Charlene Juliani said...

Great idea! Where did you find the foam fish?

April said...

That sounds like a fun experience...painting on sandpaper. And I have sandpaper from the Dollar Tree as well, (its an amazing place) lol.

Joyful Learner said...

I'm really excited to start participating in your stART projects! Thanks for hosting!

But if you click on the button, for some reason, it goes to your 2009 post.

Anonymous said...

Sandpaper is such a great idea. I will have to think of a reason to use it.


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