Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Toilet Paper Tube Apple Tree

Emily’s Apple Tree


With back to school just around the corner and the weather getting a little cooler and back to school time I can’t help but think about fall and everything APPLES!! 

This was a fun project that used up some of the toilet paper tubes and paper towel rolls that I have been hoarding for a while.  I did this with our Art Group and all of the girls seemed to enjoy working on this project.

Before we got started, I cut slits on both sides of the top of the toilet paper tube and cut out a cloud shape from a piece of poster board.

IMG_5050 First, Emily used brown paint to sponge paint the toilet paper tube brown for the truck of the tree.


Next, she sponge painted both sides of the cloud shape poster board green for the leaves of the tree.


Finally, after all the paint was dry she scrunched up pieces of red streamers into little balls and glued them onto the green leaves for the apples on the tree.

   I helped her slide the top of the tree into the slits in the toilet paper tube to make the Apple Tree.


Christy Killoran said...

Cute. We are thinking apples too!

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about apples too.

Mihaela { Best Toys 4 Toddlers } said...

Your tp roll apple tree is added to: http://www.squidoo.com/reusepaperroll Love it! ;)


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