Monday, November 8, 2010

Digging for…


This summer we planted peanut seeds to grow our own peanut plants and have been waiting to see if we actually grew any peanuts.  We were motivated to dig for them after Emily spotted a squirrel sitting on the planter digging through it.


I set the planter on the floor for the girls and gave them some spoons to go digging for peanuts.


We grew about 7 which we were so excited for.

IMG_5748    Emily thought it was so cool that they were all under the soil.  I can’t wait to try this again next year.


Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

What fun! I love this!

Anonymous said...

Very neat! I never thought of planting peanuts before.

Maureensk said...

Did you eat them? If so, how did they taste? I never have tried growing peanuts, but our family loves all things peanut. I wonder if they would grow here in Seattle... Anyway, for all you do, I am passing on the Stylish Blogger Award. You can pick it up along with the rules at my blog, if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

This looks like it was a lot of fun. Glad some of them grew.

Unknown said...

Ah- the squirrel- nature's cutie-pie pest... :0)

Growing peanuts is such a great idea! I think we will add this to our future garden wish list!

Rebecca said...

Ahhh! How cool!

kewkew said...

Okay I didn't know peanuts grew underground. What do you plant?

Anonymous said...

Superb blog post, I have book marked this internet site so ideally I’ll see much more on this subject in the foreseeable future!

Anonymous said...

oo what fun! Looks like a blast digging through and finding peanuts!


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