Monday, November 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday ~ Thanksgiving

This weeks theme for Muffin Tin Monday was Thanksgiving.  I originally planned on having a Turkey Sandwich lunch with cranberry sauce and other typical Thanksgiving foods, but Emily had other plans.  She wanted A TURKEY or her lunch shaped like a turkey and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  So this is what I came up with!

IMG_6170 A Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich Turkey!!

I love my Pampered Chef Cut and Seal and it was perfect for making the body of the Turkey.  I filled the sandwich with peanut butter and jelly as per Emily’s request.  I used a scrap of the bread to make the turkey’s head and “glued” it to the body using some peanut butter.  Next, I added a piece of a chocolate chip for the eye, apple skin for the snood and American Cheese for the beak.  I broke up some pretzels for the feet and then used slices of apple for the feathers.

The other day Emily and I made some caramel popcorn,  so that was the perfect crunchy treat to go with her lunch!

This was our first edible turkey project, but you can check out some of the fun Turkey Crafts that we have made so far too.


sbswtp said...

Super cute!!!!

Melissa said...

Supe cute turkey! That press and seal looks like it might be a handy tool to have around. Happy Thanksgiving! :o)

alison said...

I love your turkey sandwich!

Anonymous said...

The turkey is super cute! Happy Thanksgiving!

Corina said...

Very cute!! And my son says it's looks good! : )

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Love it!

JavaMama said...

LOVE the turkey sandwich!

MaryAnne said...

I love your turkey!

Hailey's Butterfly Garden said...

love the turkey sandwich to cute!!

Anonymous said...

adorable!! WTG!

Jennifer said...

I love it! So cute :o) The apple "feathers" are very resourceful.

Ludicrous Mama said...

Love the sealed circle sandwich! I ended up using a hamburger bun, since biscuit-cutter circles wouldn't have looked as neat, but yours is an even better idea!


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