Thursday, February 17, 2011

stART ~ Lots of Dots


Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures somewhere in your post by either adding my button or a text link, so that others can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.  Be sure to stop by and visit the different links…every week there are so many different and fun book and craft ideas!

Check out the  stART tab in my navigation bar where you can find our past stART projects.  All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.



This week we read Lots of Dots, by Craig Frazier.  When I saw this book at the library I knew it would be perfect for a stART project!This is a simple book with a catchy rhyming text that makes it so much fun to read.  The bright colors against the white page makes the illustrations pop adds to the enjoyment of this book.  Both Emily and Juliette enjoyed reading it with me.

For our art project I knew right away we would be using our Dot Stickers.   I gave Emily and Juliette large and small dot stickers and had them use them to make their own dot illustration inspired by the book.

IMG_7540 Emily working on her Dot Project


Emily told me this picture was of our family by our car.  The large dots are the wheels and the small dot is the horn. 


Juliette has fun putting the dots on the paper.  Emily gave her the pencil so she could draw too.

IMG_7546Juliette’s finished dot picture 


RedTedArt said...

The dotty book looks great! And I am going to go out and buy some dots!! Pip Squeak would love them!! She adores stickers!!!


An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

It's nice both girls could do, and enjoy, the activity.

Katie said...

That looks like a cute book, and a great simple stART project.

Ticia said...

I love the small dot is the horn, how cute. It always amuses me to see how kids think.

Anonymous said...

Cute project! I like how you've been able to choose projects that include even the youngest.

maryanne @ mama smiles said...

Great artwork! I love the horn on the car =)

maryanne @ mama smiles said...

Great artwork! I love the horn on the car =)

maryanne @ mama smiles said...

Great artwork! I love the horn on the car =)

Christy Killoran said...

That sounds like a good book. I love their art! It's so nice to see Juliette creating art now too!

Martianne said...

Cute book. Fun, simple activity/art. My kids love stickers and do a dot markers, among other things, so I will have to read that one!

Anonymous said...

The book looks wonderful! I love the layering of your artwork.

Unknown said...

Love your site!
Do you have Ideas on toot and puddle?

I have to teach a homeschool co-op class and didn't find much online...

The girl who painted trees said...

That looks like a great book!


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