Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Color Mixing Ice Cubes

Emily and Juliette love playing in the water and they love ice cubes.  Whenever an ice cube drops from the ice maker they run from wherever they are to pick it up and hold it while it melts.  So, I thought it would be fun let them play with some ice cubes outside.  I filled up our large sensory tub (a.k.a. under the bed storage container) with water and added some ice cubes.  To make it even more exciting I froze some ice cubes with food coloring in them and added those too.


Emily, Juliette and their cousin had fun picking up the ice cubes and also pushing them around with popsicle sticks. 

IMG_9642As the ice cubes melted we were able to see the colors begin to blend together.  It was very pretty to look at…


…and then it turned BROWN!

We talked about how when you mix all the colors together you get brown.  This was a great way to experiment with colors and keep cool on a summer afternoon!


Anonymous said...

This is such a cool way to learn about colors! I bet the girls really loved it.

Vicky @ Mess For Less said...

Going to freeze some ice cubes now! Thanks for the idea! I will be pinning this too.

Vicky @ http://messforless.blogspot.com

Little Wonders' Days said...

This looks like a lot of cool fun!


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