Thursday, May 13, 2010

stART ~ Splish, Splash, Spring

Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a stART tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects. Be sure to check it out!! All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


It has been a very rainy week so we have been reading Splish, Splash, Sprint by Jan Carr. This is a great rhyming story about three kids that explore all the fun things that happen on a spring day in the rain.

I planned on having Emily draw a picture to put out in the rain so that she could how the rain would blend all of the colors however once Emily started drawing she did such a great job of drawing herself in the rain with a rain hat and umbrella I didn’t want the picture to get ruined. Thank goodness Emily agreed and we just kept the picture. We will probably try another rain picture on another rainy day :0)


Emily working on her rainy day picture. It is so much fun to see her drawing people and adding lot’s of details to her pictures.


Emily’s finished picture.

It is a picture of her with a rain hat and an umbrella.


April said...

I think it was a very good idea for you to save the picture. Its very sweet!

Mama to 5 said...

Wow - she draws really goo for 3 years old! :)

Christy Killoran said...

I love Emily's drawing! So cute. I wouldn't be able to put it out in the rain either!

Anonymous said...

aaaaah! I love her drawing! Definitely a "keeper" - how cute is that! Can't wait for Red Ted to draw "properly"!!!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

That IS impressive! Looks just like a rain hat!

Anonymous said...

ooo my goodness such a great picture!!

Julie said...

What a great picture! Very cute.

Brimful Curiosities said...

That is an awesome picture...much too good for a rain wash. We did the watercolor rain pictures a few weeks back. I think the one my toddler son made turned out the most interesting. He just drew a whole bunch of colorful lines all over the paper and the rain made them really pretty! My daughter's duck turned out neat as well. Here's a link to our rain activity if you are interested.

Unknown said...

Hmmm- perhaps you could scan her pic and turn it into some kind of greeting card, with a saying such as:

"Rain, rain, come to stay,
Emily wants to play today.
She has on her cap
And her umbrella too.
Oh she wants
to play with you!"

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Emily did a terrific job - the picture is so very detailed. She is quite a little artist.

Wendy said...

What an adorable picture she drew!
Maybe she could do another, just of a large umbrella, and let the rain fall on that. It's a good idea, although I see why you wouldn't let that cute drawing get ruined. :-)
I plan to link up next time around.

Jenny said...

She IS a great artist.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would want to put in the rain either.

Fun Frugal Mommy said...

Great picture. I wouldn't want to put it in the rain.


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