Thursday, September 9, 2010

stART ~ Chicka Chicka 1,2,3

Welcome to stART a story + art! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a story + art tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects. Be sure to check it out!! All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


This week while we were at the library looking for books, Emily requested Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  It was already taken out by someone else, but I found Chicka Chicka 123,  by Mill Martin Jr. instead and Emily said we could give it a try!  This turned out to be a cute book that is the sequel to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom except in this book the Numbers go up an Apple Tree.

For our stART project we made a Handprint Apple Tree and Emily glued on numbers that I made using my Numbers Paper Punch  Set.   IMG_5092

We read the book the day before and that night I gathered up all the supplies and had them ready for Emily.  She was so excited to see everything set up for the project!  I am definitely going to try to do it this way more often.

IMG_5095I traced Emily’s hands onto green foam and cut them out for her.  She tried to but it was harder to cut the foam than paper and she asked me to do if for her. IMG_5096

Emily cut out a trunk for her tree out of brown construction paper. IMG_5097

Then she glued it on to a piece of blue construction  paper. IMG_5099Next, she glued her green foam hands to the top of the tree for the leaves. IMG_5100

Emily loved adding the red, green and yellow dot stickers onto the tree for the apples. IMG_5102

Finally she added on the numbers.  he looked through the pile to pick out the number that she wanted.  She spent a good amount of time filling the tree with numbers.  At one point she even asked me for the book so she could see where she should put them.

IMG_5116Emily’s Chicka Chicka 123 Handprint Apple Tree


Mama to 5 said...

LOVE your stART! VERY cute! :) Thank you!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Another great craft! Good job - it's adorable AND educational!

RedTedArt said...

A fabulous handprint tree! She is very good!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love all the skills that you tied into creating this tree.

April said...

My daughter loved Chicka Chicka Boom Boom so I bought her 123 but I should have checked it out from the library first because she never really liked it. I love your handprint tree!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This project looks great, and I like its colors. Unlike the previous poster's daughter, Anna always liked 123 better than Boom-Boom - maybe because nobody gets hurt :)

Ticia said...

It turned out so cute. I don't remember 123 as well for some reason (probably because I haven't read it twenty million times).

Katie said...

I have seen lots of Chicka Chicka Trees, but I think this is one of the cutest!

Unknown said...

after seeing this post.. i made an abc chicka chicka tree with my lil girl and she absolutely loved it.. thanks for the great idea!!!

Christy Killoran said...

Great craft! It has been a while since we last read this book; I'll have to get it from the library again.

I love Emily's hair!

Jeanette said...

We love both the Chicka Chicka books and have done many activities etc to go along with both. I like your project-it looks great!
Thanks for hosting the link up!

Miller Moments said...

Love your project!!! Absolutely adorable.

Brimful Curiosities said...

She must be very patient. I'm not sure my daughter would have added that many numbers!

Lynn said...

We loved that book too. Your craft is excellent!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

She did such a good job - and I just adore her hair! :)

LitLass said...

That's a great tree! We love both Chicka Chicka books as well.

Unknown said...

Here's a "high five" for such an adorable, educational craft!

Michelle Gibson said...

The handprint is such a cute idea ~ especially because it preserves those little hands. =)

Thanks for inviting me to link up! I will try to remember to link up {and make sure that we do an art project} for the next book we row. =)


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