Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Candy Corn Wreath

Finally a craft just for me to do!!  As soon as I received my Women’s Day magazine and saw this Candy Corn Wreath on the cover I knew that I had to make my own.  And I am so glad that I did I love how it came out and it was so much fun and yummy to make too :0)


Not only was this wreath fun to make, but it was really easy too!

All you need is a 16 inch Styrofoam wreath (at least that is the size that I used), black duct tape, hot glue gun and about 2 bags of candy corn and a large ribbon ( I used a black one).  

First wrap the wreath in the black duct tape then glue the candy corn around the wreath.  I laid them out before I started to see how they would fall.  I found it best to begin at the top where the ribbon would be covering so that if the candy corn didn’t line up perfectly the ribbon would cover it. (You can click on the link at the top of my post for the complete directions from Woman’s Day)

To preserve it they recommend drying out the candy corn before you begin, however if you are in to much of a rush to make this and display it (like I was) they also said that you can dry the candy corn out on the wreath and then use Modge Podge to cover the entire thing, just make sure you remove the ribbon before you start :0)


I am linking this project up at:

Katie's Nesting Spot





Get Your Craft On Tuesday




Christy Killoran said...

This magazine is sitting on my desk right now. I want to make the wreath too. I'm glad it's easy; I'm not very good at crafts that are meant for anyone older than 8!

Jennifer said...

I bought that very same magazine the other day!! My only problem is that I would eat all the candy corn before it would even make it to the wreath!! ;-)

Great job! It looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute. What a wonderful Halloween decoration.

Anonymous said...

This is so cute. What a wonderful Halloween decoration.

Jackie Higgins said...

Ok. I bought the candy corn but haven't bought the other supplies yet. I'm afraid I'm going to eat my candy corn before I get my wreath made!! But yours if very, very cute!

Anonymous said...

Adorable!!!! Love how this turned out :-)

Melissa said...

I love this! I'm your newest follower!


Susana said...

I LOVE this Michelle! You are so creative and fun, as always.

Thank you so much for your birthday wishes for my Jesse:-). His first year has flown, way, way too fast.

I hope you are your beautiful family are all doing well and enjoying each day together.

Katie said...

Oh boy, I don't see this on our linky yet...hmmm perhaps it's going to be linked up on this week's and not last weeks? Hope so! Anyway, so I'll thank you in advance:) I am planning on making one of those too, I ripped out the instructions. We'll see if I really do it though! Thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! Please join us next time too!

Jen said...

I saw the Women's Day that featured this at the grocery store last night and though, "I've seen that somewhere!" Such a cute wreath.

Ginger said...

Lov'n it! Thanks for linking up to The Halloween Scene at SSB!

Ginger said...

You have been featured at The Halloween Scene at SSB! Check out the link below:


Feel free to snag my I was Featured button for your blog! Hope you'll visit again soon!

malia said...

Hi! featuring this sweet wreath tomorrow at A Crafty Soiree. Hugs! Malia

Sarah @ The Pumpkin Patch said...

Wanted you to know I featured you over at The Pumpkin Patch. Come grab a featured button!


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