Thursday, October 21, 2010

stART ~ Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin


Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures somewhere in your post by either adding my button or a text link, so that others can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

Check out the  stART tab in my navigation bar where you can find our past stART projects.  All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


This week we read Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin, by Mary Serfozo.  This is a cute book about a little tiger named Peter who searches for the perfect pumpkin.  After he finds it we are left to wonder what he wanted it for, until the very end when we see the…I’ll let you find out for yourself, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise :0)

For our project we made our own little plush plumply, dumply pumpkin out of a pair of stockings.

All you need is a pair of stockings, fiberfill, 2 rubber bands and some paint.


First I cut the legs off of a pair of stocking.  Then I cut each leg in half so that I had 4 pieces.  I laid the pieces  crossing over each other in the center to form a star.  Then I stapled the center to hold them together.    IMG_5718

Now, Emily filled each tube with some fiberfill until it looked like…IMG_5719 …this.IMG_5720 I helped her gather the sections at the top to form a pumpkin shape.  Then I tied it together with a rubber band.IMG_5721

I braided the top piece to form the stem and secured that with another rubber band.


Emily went to work painting her pumpkin orange and the stem green.


Emily’s Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin


sbswtp said...

Such a cute craft!!! and it came out great :)

Christy Killoran said...

That is just too cute. I haven't seen this craft before. Love it.

Kara said...

What an adorable craft! That book is also a favorite in our house!

phasejumper said...

Cute pumpkin!

Susana said...

Oh My Gosh Michelle! This has got to be the cutest pumpkin craft I have ever seen! I LOVE it!

I haven't seen this book either.

Thanks for both of these!

Ticia said...

Oh my goodness that is adorable!

Elle Belles Bows said...

Oh my goodness! That is way too cool!! Kerri

Unknown said...

OK, you have done it again! First of all, I LOVE the title of that book- I need a Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin of my own!

Second of all- panty hose being magically transformed into a pumpkin- "Sheer" genius!

You go Mama!

Michelle said...

Oh, that's super cute and creative!!!

Charlene Juliani said...

That pumpkin is So Cool! We borrowed that book from the library a few weeks ago. Nathan really liked it.

I really need to stop reading all of these, my mind is working on overload from all the crafts I want to do now.

Miller Moments said...

Adorable! I've never heard of that book. Another cute one to add to my list. :)

Andrea said...

Wow I never seen anything like thay before. So cute!
Thanks so much for posting:)

Candace @NaturallyEducational said...

Love this! We're on a pumpkin kick this week, too!

Karen said...

I see she is painting without a smock or an old shirt/clothes...tell me what kind of paint I should buy at the store that washes out of things? What do you use?

Anonymous said...

I love the pumpkin. What a great day to reuse hose!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This is a very clever way to recycle old stockings :) The craft turned out very cute, and the book looks pretty interesting too.

Mrs. Whary said...

Sooooo adorable!!! Thanks for the great ideas:-)

Mihaela { Best Toys 4 Toddlers } said...

Hi Michelle! Added link to you little craft project to: Hope that's fine :)

Amy said...

That is the cutest pumpkin craft I've ever seen!

Michelle Gibson said...

I haven't seen this book before, but that is the cutest Pumply, Dumply Pumpkin! Great job!

3G=Growing Godly Girlz said...

That is the cutest pumpkin! I have to admit, I will have to buy some stockings for this project, but it is worth it---for sure!
popping over from
thanks so much for posting this!

3G=Growing Godly Girlz said...

Yay, we made these and just wanted to thank you for posting this idea!

Joyful Learner said...

This is wonderful! We have this book so we'll be making this too! Looks like a lot of fun.

Anne said...

I'm obviously a bit behind in my reader, but I LOVE this pumpkin! So easy-looking too! We may have to make one to decorate the thanksgiving table! wonder if you could make "minis" with knee-highs or girls tights...


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