Monday, January 17, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday

Today there was no theme for Muffin Tin Monday, so we had some of our favorite lunch standbys mixed in with leftovers.  To make is super special it was served in our Snowflake Muffin Tin!

IMG_7165 Top Row: Apple Slices, Corn, Yummy Coconut Bar

In Between: Peanut Butter and Jelly Crackers

Bottom Row: More Apple Slices, Strawberry Yogurt


Emily loved Muffin Tin Monday


Juliette joined in too, she had Strawberry Yogurt, Apple Slices, Corn and a piece of a croissant.


Ludicrous Mama said...

Love it! I never thought of PBJ crackers! YUM!

Ludicrous Mama said...
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lisa9999 said...

Great lunch. Those coconut bars sound yummy.

Anonymous said...

I wish JDaniel would eat peanut butter. The crackers with PB&J look yummy.


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