Emily's Eggshell Mosaic
This month's Open Ended Art theme is Mosaics. This weeks material is eggshells. We have been saving our eggshells for the past 2 weeks and had a huge bowl full. I was so excited for this project. Emily and I dyed them 8 different colors and glued them on a piece of construction paper.
The drying eggshells.
They made a beautiful design on the paper towels as they were drying.

Emily and I broke the eggshells into smaller pieces...
...and put them in our muffin tin.
(between Muffin Tin Monday and art projects my muffin tins are getting more use than ever before!!!)
Emily gluing the eggshells down.
Very Cute!
My kids love dying eggs. But I knew my little man would not have the patience for gluing on the egg shells. That's why we went with tissue paper. Emily did great!
Hi Michelle
The dyed egg shells look gorgeous. What a fun process you turned this mosaic craft into.
What a great inexpensive project and very pretty too!
I love the pic of all the colored eggs. Bear's mosaic took her two days to do. I purposely cut her black piece of paper small because I knew she would never finish it otherwise. It's awesome that her dad participated. I'd love for my husband to do art with her:)
LOVE the bright colors! Emily's is very pretty with great color groupings.
So pretty! This wasn't happening in our house, but I think it is a great project!
I love seeing how much Emily loves doing these art projects, I bet she was excited that her dad joined in!
Those eggs turned out really bright and pretty. I like that you put it on black paper it makes the egg shells pop.
Beautiful! The egg shells in the muffin tin look so pretty. I'm sure they were an inviting material for Emily!
These turned out so pretty! It makes me wish I had been brave enough to do eggshells after all. The patience Emily showed to do all that detail work is amazing!
that is great! even better that daddy got in on the fun! :)bet she loved that
this activity looks great from start to finish!! i love how the vibrant all the colors are
Very beautiful! I am always impressed with how well Emily sticks with her projects - great attention span for someone so young.
Those uncrushed, coloured eggs look so beautiful and very Andy Goldsworthy-like. I haven't tried this activity in many,many years and am feeling very inspired.
Thank you
I like the idea of using black construction paper as the background and doing a free form picture. Think I will try that next!! I had the girls do theirs with a simple egg pattern which we cut out after. Here is our result...and there is a free printable pattern of the egg too.
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