Monday, February 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

Red for Valentine’s Day Muffin Tin Meal!

This weeks theme for Muffin Tin Monday was Red and I couldn’t wait till Monday to have ours.  So we had fun celebrating Valentine’s Day with our Red Muffin Tin Lunch on Valentine’s Day!!!


Top Row: Strawberry Banana V-Fusion, Red Mini M&Ms, Strawberries

Bottom Row: Heart Layered Jell-O, Wagon wheel pasta and sauce, Tomatoes


When I saw these layered Jell-o hearts in my Family Fun magazine I knew I had to make it.  It was such a fun dessert to serve :0)


Emily LOVED her red muffin tin lunch


After lunch we did a Valentine’s Day color sorting activity that I found on the prekinders blog.


Unknown said...

Congrats on a "lovely" muffin tin meal!

Gotta ask, was the jello heart hard to make? I saw this idea, but was too lazy to try it out...

Mariah said...

Looks great!

LeAnn said...

Looks like lots of fun was had!!! That is a neat sorting project. Thanks for sharing. :)

Mama to 5 said...

nice job - I love your muffin tin food ideas! I bet Emily enjoyed it! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice tin and activity! The jello looks great!

karen said...

I love the tin! Thanks for sharing the link to the prekinders site, too. I'd never heard of it and know we'll get a lot of use out of it :)

Unknown said...

Cute tin. Thanks for the great link too.

Kelly said...

MMMmmm, what a great lunch.

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

just delightful! It looks so beautiful!

w said...

looks great! the jello looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a fun valentine lunch! I saw those jello hearts too! I just didn't get my act together to get them made :-P

Sela said...

I like the juice in the tin too, although I'm sure my girly would have removed it immediately. Used your M&M's to fill my last cup, thanks!

Lisa @ Our Country Road said...

It looks so yummy! Great job :)


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