Monday, February 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday


This week’s theme for Muffin Tin Monday was ORANGE and I had such a great time picking out all of Emily’s favorite foods for her Muffin Tin lunch (it turns out most of her favorite foods are orange!)


Top Row: Orange Juice in an Orange cup, Shredded cheddar cheese, Peaches

Bottom Row: Butternut Squash Soup, Macaroni and Cheese, Cheddar Gold Fish Crackers


Anonymous said...

Butternut squash soup sounds wonderful! Nice tin!

Sela said...

Mmm, butternut squash soup. I just bought a squash yesterday, maybe that's what I should make with it :)
Great tin, looks like a tasty lunch.

Kelly said...

What a wonderful tin! I love the idea of butternut squash soup.

Erica said...

I'd love some butternut squash soup. Looks yummy!

Unknown said...

Does it seem "natural" that Mac 'n Cheese is such a neon orange color (at least, the Kraft kind...)?

("Orange" ya glad I left you something to think about?)

w said...

ohhh. butternut squash soup with the goldfish sounds so good.

~LKB said...

Great looking tin! I agree that the butternut squash sounds so good!

denise said...

so clever! and it looks so tasty displayed like this. orange is my daughter's favorite color so she would love this...

Sarah said...

Looks like a lunch any kid would love - well done!

sunnymum said...

Looks tasty! I'd like to try the soup too.


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