Monday, March 15, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

Today’s theme for Muffin Tin Monday is GREEN!!  Since Emily’s favorite color is green I couldn’t wait for her to see her breakfast, I knew she would be so excited.

Emily’s Green Muffin Tin Breakfast


Top Row: Green Milk, Green Grapes, Green Apple Jacks

Bottom Row: Green yogurt, Green Cream of Wheat, Green Eggs


A very happy little girl this morning!!


Anonymous said...

Did she eat the green eggs? I wonder if JDaniel would eat green oatmeal if I served it to him on St. Pat's.

Christy Killoran said...

So cute!

w said...

she looks totally happy with all that green! great tin!

Leah said...

Cute, she looks so happy with her breakfast.

Rebecca said...

For some reason looking at that green milk is making me very thirsty!!

Kristen said...

Looks so yummy!

Sherry said...

she looks so cute!!! good meal!

Kelly said...

What a great breakfast. My oldest eats cream of wheat just about every morning. I'll have to make it green tomorrow. Thanks for the the idea!


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