Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kids in the Kitchen ~ Homemade Pasta

A friend gave us a Pasta Maker a while ago and I have wanted to make fresh homemade pasta with Emily ever since.  We finally had the time to do it and even Juliette got in on the pasta making fun!!IMG_5703

Emily helped dump the ingredients into the mixer.

For our pasta we added 2 cups flour and 1/2 tsp of salt to a large bowl and then mixed to combine.  Next we added 2 beaten eggs and 1 tablespoon olive oil and combined.  Then I turned on the mixer with the bread hook and let it knead it until the dough was smooth.  After that I took the ball of dough out and wrapped it in plastic wrap to rest for about 30 minutes.


We took pieces of the dough at a time and ran it through the pasta machine until it was nice and thin.  Both Emily and Juliette loved taking turns turning the crank to make the dough go through the machine.


Once it was thin enough we put it through the cutting part and made our fettuccine.    IMG_5710

Emily and Juliette LOVED their homemade pasta…and we all had a lot of fun making it too!


Anonymous said...

I think the smiles say it all.

Corina said...

That's fun!!

Elle Belles Bows said...

That looks like great fun! Wish we had one! Kerri

Anonymous said...

ooo very cool! This is such a fun activity for the girls and I bet it was so delicious!!


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