Monday, January 25, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

This weeks theme for Muffin Tin Monday is ABC & 123.  I am so glad that we are back on track with our schedule and able to participate!!

Emily enjoyed her Muffin Tin Monday Breakfast too, she was very happy to help make waffles too.  She was jumping around yelling Muffin Tin Monday as soon as I took out our muffin tin!

Emily’s ABC and 123 Muffin Tin Breakfast


Top Row: ABC & 1,2,3 waffles cut out with cookie cutters and filled with Apples, Blueberries and Chocolate Chips

Bottom Row: Apples, Blueberries and a Clementine


Yummy Yummy Muffin Tin Breakfast!!

IMG_1304    Emily worked on this Turtle Glyph that I saw on Inspiration Surrounds… Creativity Abounds after breakfast.  It reinforced the numbers 1-5 and Emily was excited about coloring with our smelly markers!


Anonymous said...

Your tin looks great! The star tin is fun too.

Christy Killoran said...

That is one fun breakfast.

Fiona said...

Hiya I love your ideas. How do you find the time to do so many different things?

Unknown said...

Oooooo- smelly markers- those bring back memories...what a fun morning!

Unknown said...

I love smelly markers!
Great tins. I love your waffles. They look tasty.

silly eagle books said...

Those waffles turned out great!

UtahJenny said...

Super cute and I love those markers, too!

w said...

oh that looks delish! you did a great job incorporating the numbers and letters!

Sela said...

Your breakfast looked great! Funny, I used the same tin this week :)

Susana said...

OH, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!! I need to get us back on track regularly with MTM too! Good for you, this is adorable and so yummy looking too!

Anonymous said...

What a great Ideas! I love the ABC's.

Mama to 5 said...

Too Cute! I love the waffles & the star muffin tin! As always you are so creative! :)

Susana said...

I have an award for you!!

Sherri said...

Love the muffin tins!


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