Monday, August 2, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

We just finished shopping at BJ’s and Emily couldn’t wait to eat lunch.  I was about to put everything on a regular plate when I was reminded that today is Muffin Tin Monday.  So of course got out some of our fun muffin tin cups and filled them with all the yummy parts of Emily’s lunch.  I have to say everything looks better in some form of a Muffin Tin Monday presentation!!!


Starting with the blue butterfly cup their is spinach and artichoke hummus with pita chips on the side.

In the yellow cup there are grapes.

In the blue cup there are cucumber sticks with ranch dressing on the side for dipping

In the pink cup there is a yummy glazed munchkin.


Emily love taking pictures with her muffin tin lunch…I put the camera down after taking one picture and she reminded me we needed one with her in it too!


Anonymous said...

JDaniel has been asking for doughnuts. He would love your lunch.

Rebecca said...

It's been too long since we've had a MTM! Maybe ill think one up tonight... Thanks for the inspiration Michelle :)

Anonymous said...

oo very fun! Love that she likes taking a picture with them :-)

April said...

My daughter is like that when she sees me taking photos. She will pick up different objects and say, "Mommy, take a picture of shoe". You are right, the food looks really cute in those muffin tins. All I have is a plain one but I think I want some cute pink and blue ones too!

Vindiciti said...

She is so cute! Love your little MTM lunch. I need to get better about not being busy around lunchtime. It'll calm down when school starts, though. The kids just use their picks every day, though, by demand!


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