Monday, August 9, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

Our garden has been overflowing with yummy string beans and tomatoes these past few days and we are all enjoying picking and eating them too!   So for Muffin Tin Monday we of course needed to fill a few of the muffin cups with them too!  Now we just have to wait for the cucumbers to be ready to pick :0)


Top Row: Cherry Tomatoes from the garden, string beans from the garden and Crackers

Bottom Row: More cherry tomatoes from the garden, vanilla yogurt and apple butter to spread on the crackers.

Emily was so excited that she is able to use her knife to spread the apple butter on the crackers!!



Of course it wouldn’t be Muffin Tin Monday without a picture with her yummy Muffin Tin Lunch!!  She totally requests this picture every week now what a true child of a mommy blogger ;)


**Don’t forget to check out my latest giveaway for a $60 gift certificate to stores  8/16**


Amanda said...

Yumm-o! Oh how I miss having a garden!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Sammy would have loved to chow down on that lunch too!!

Anonymous said...

Fresh veggies and apple butter! I am ready to eat at your house.

Rachael said...

What a cutie. Ruby loves spreading things with her knife too.

Sandy said...

Yum! We have been patiently waiting for tomatoes from our garden. I'm not sure what is taking them so long this year. Finally we have a few that should be ready in a few days!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Love the star tin and I am so jealous by your garden. Someday when we stop moving I want a huge garden full of anything and Super yummy tin and Em is a doll! Happy MTM :)


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