Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ The Fruits of Our Labor

Garden Emily

Can you tell that this little girl loves picking vegetables from our garden!!


Anonymous said...

yay!! Looks yummy!

MaryAnne said...

LOVE her smile! Nothing better than eating food you've grown yourself =)

MaggieK said...

what a great picture

Rebecca said...

Aww, yay!!

The Sunshine Crew said...

So cute! Your daughter looks so happy to have her veggie pile. The veggies look so yummy!
Thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...

love it!! we just got our first tomatoes this week! i was trying to think of what veggies we will have to buy for our meals, but we have them right here at home! yahoooo! enjoy yours!

Natural Homeschool Mama said...

There is nothing quite like growing them yourself, and watching the expression on your children's faces when they pick veggies from their OWN garden!
This is beautiful.

I left you a blog award at my site -

Miller Moments said...

What a great photo!

Jada Rocks said...

Yummy....awe she looks beyond thrilled and proud!

Sandy said...

Awesome! My girls love picking veggies from the garden too!

Anonymous said...

She does look proud. The veggies look great!


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