Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween ~ A Blast From Our Past!!


Emily’s First Halloween

October 2007


Grandma (my mom) made her this candy corn outfit.


For our family Halloween Party we were Olive Oyl, Popeye and Sweet Pea

Halloween 2008


Emily was a pumpkin, we got this costume really cheep because it was missing the hat, my mom sewed a new one and I added a little spider hanging from it and another one hanging from her side.

IMG_6406     For our Halloween Party I was a Cupcake, Emily wore the same costume and Daddy was Humpty Dumpty.  (We both won 1st Place in the costume contest!)

Juliette’s First Halloween

October 2009


Juliette was an octopus, I made her costume with things I found at the dollar store it cost me about $5 dollars!

Emily Halloween 2009

Emily was a frog, this year she picked out her costume and we had a fun time creating it together.  She wanted to be a frog because they are green and that is her favorite color.


Our Family on Halloween

(This was the first year we didn’t have a Halloween Party since Juliette had just been in the hospital for a severe kidney infection)


What a fun trip down memory lane…I can’t wait to show you this years costumes we had a fun time putting them together!!


Amanda said...

What great costumes! I am in love with the candy corn one, too cute!

Sandy said...

Those costumes are amazing! I can't wait to see what you came up with for this year!

Anonymous said...

I love each one. You have great Halloween pictures!

Phyllis said...

So very cute! Your Mom is quite a seamstress...I loved the pumpkin hat! And the candy corn was So cute. Fun to see them all.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

What an adorable candy corn!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! ALL the costumes are awesome! I also can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for Halloween this year...

Lynn said...

Those are all so cute! I'm especially impressed by the candy corn (priceless) and humpty dumpty (amazing).

Anonymous said...

Super cute! Love the candy corn.

Elle Belles Bows said...

Very sweet pictures and love all the costumes! Kerri

Susana said...

I love each and everyone of your costumes! Your family is so fun and you are super creative! I think the candy corn and Popeye and his crew are my two faves though:-).

Can't wait to see what you all were this year!

Anonymous said...

Great costumes!! I love the frog! Can't wait to see what you guys dressed up as this year!


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