Monday, October 4, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday ~ Dinosaurs

Today for Muffin Tin Monday we decided to do our own theme since we have been having so much fun with Dinosaurs, and my fridge is basically empty, I was amazing I was even able to find this to serve in it!


In the two pink muffin cups are Trail Mix (raisins, multi-grain cheerios and mini M&M’s) and Applesauce.

Then she has her Dinosaur Shaped Turkey and American Cheese Sandwich. IMG_5473

She loved her lunch…she decided I needed to tell her what part of her dinosaur to eat, she started with the head then the tail, feet and finally the tummy.

IMG_5474 Juliette had applesauce, cheese and saltine goldfish in a muffin cup and she loved it!


Anonymous said...

What a fun lunch! Love that she wanted you to tell her which parts of the dinosaur to eat :-P

Christy Killoran said...

Very cute. Reagan is learning the letter D at school this week and we will do some dino activities too.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel asks for a turke and cheese sandwich everyday. He would love that it looked like a dinosaur.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

We love dinosaurs too and this was so cute, great job mama :)

Anonymous said...

Cute dinosaur!

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

Audrey has a dino sandwich cutter and loves it. It is all about presentation!

Elise said...

Very cute. What a fun lunch to eat.

Amy Watson said...

My son is a huge dinosaur fan too! I have cut the lunchmeat into dino shapes before, but I guess I never thought about cutting the bread into one...thanks for the idea!

kewkew said...

Love the dino sandwich. Got me wondering if I have a dino cutter for when we get to D. Except ours would probably be pb&j as usual.
Always glad to see`someone else who hasn't gone with the theme. Of course the reason I didn't was because me imagination was taking a vacation.


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