Thursday, January 20, 2011

stART ~ Snip, Snip…SNOW!

Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures somewhere in your post by either adding my button or a text link, so that others can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.  Be sure to stop by and visit the different links…every week there are so many different and fun book and craft ideas!

Check out the  stART tab in my navigation bar where you can find our past stART projects.  All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


This week we read Snip, Snip...Snow!, by Nancy Poydar.  When I saw it in the library I knew it would be perfect, especially since the ground here is still covered in snow!!  It is a cute story about a little girl that is anxiously awaiting the first snowfall of winter.  She is very disappointed when the forecast calls for snow, but when she wakes up there was nothing!  (I could totally relate to this when I was little!!)  At school her she makes a ton of paper snowflakes and to her surprise it starts to snow.  This story was fun to read and the perfect story to go with making your own paper snowflakes!

Emily, Juliette and I had fun making colored coffee filter snowflakes and then dancing around with them!  Although this is not very original, it was so much fun :0)

IMG_7179  IMG_7180

Emily and Juliette colored on their coffee filters with markers.


Next, we used a spray bottle to wet the coffee filters and make the colors run.

Then we let them dry.

While we were waiting we made some plain white snowflakes.


Emily folded the coffee filter in half and then in half 2 more times to make a triangle shape.

IMG_7177   She cut little pieces out of all the sides.

Although she has no problem using a pair of scissors on plain paper, she had a hard time cutting the small pieces out.  So when the colored filters dried she asked me to make them.

IMG_7195 Our colorful coffee filter snowflakes.


Unknown said...

I have been meaning to get this book. Sounds like a whole lot of fun. The snowflakes turned out great. Thank you for sharing.

Julie said...

We read that book and made snowflakes last year. It's a fun book and the kids love making snowflakes!

Debbie said...

I have learned here we don't read many books about snow since we get so little and they always make Selena sad. We do have to start making more crafts like this though since Selena thought it was pretty cool that by folding a piece of paper in half she cut a perfect tree all by herself yesterday. I love how their snowflakes turned out!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I keep reading about this book, and it sounds like so much fun! Coffee filter snowflakes were a big hit here too.

Scribbles and Splatters said...

Looks like a cool book I'll have to check it out! We just did this on Monday (except we just mixed blue paint with water to paint on our coffee filters)

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Great story find! You're right too, coffee filter snowflakes are sooo much fun - it never gets old!

polwig said...

I always love the snowflakes cut outs they are fun, easy to make and just like snowflakes there are never two of the same.

Eva said...

Love the way they turned out, this one is on our to-do list too :)

Brimful Curiosities said...

My daughter was having problems cutting snowflakes out of regular paper, so I brought out some of our white square paper napkins (the really cheap kind available in the store) and folded them. They were a lot easier for her to cut. We've never read that particular snow book, but by the looks of it, our snow will be sticking around long enough to find a copy! :)

RashiAtMemetales said...

I liked your idea of coloring coffee filters using a spray bottle.

Susana said...

We love this book too! Your snowflakes turned out very cute and colorful!

Anonymous said...

I love how colorful the snowflakes are. Thanks for sharing these great books. We haven't read any of them!

Anonymous said...

What great cutting skills! I love the spray bottle painting. JDaniel would love it too.

Beth- the mama bee said...

I just found your blog and great link up. I linked up the snowmen activities from preschool. It's probably not in the right format, but there's a book and art project as well as some others. From now on, I'll get it right :) Thanks!

Jackie Higgins said...

I'll have to look for this book. We could use an excuse to practice snipping!


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