Monday, November 30, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday

Yippee we are finally back and Emily was SO excited to see our star muffin tin make it’s appearance at lunch!!  This week there was not theme for Muffin Tin Monday so Emily had some of her favorite leftovers from this weekend.


Emily’s Muffin Tin Lunch

IMG_0088  Top Row: Fruit Kabobs, Pumpkin Gob, Graham Crackers

Bottom Row: Fruit Kabobs, Minestrone Soup, Cheese Circles

Emily LOVES Pumpkin Gobs and they are so delicious I really thought she would say that was her favorite part of lunch today, but to my surprise the Fruit Kabobs won!! 

Here is the delicious and easy recipe for the Pumpkin Gobs away:

Pumpkin Gobs


2 egg yolks
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup oil
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 large can of canned pumpkin (the one I used was 29 ounces)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1½ cups butter (softened)
2 tablespoons milk
4 cups powdered sugar
2-3 tablespoons vanilla extract
4 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

1.    Preheat oven to 350°
2.    Cream together egg yolks, brown sugar and oil
3.    Combine the flour, ground cloves, ground ginger, cinnamon, baking powder, salt and baking soda and add to the egg, sugar and oil mixture.
4.    Add canned pumpkin and vanilla extract to the batter.
5.    Drop by teaspoonfuls (not to big) onto greased cookie sheets and bake for 12-14 minutes.  Cool on wire racks before filling.
6.    Beat all of the ingredients for the filling together until fluffy.
7.    Once cookies are cooled spread some of the filling on the bottom of one cookie and cover it with another one to make a sandwich.   ENJOY!!!!


Anonymous said...

The pumpkin gobs look great! Thanks for the recipe.

Rebecca said...

Mmm, pumpkin gobs sounds delish!

Our Little Family said...

Mmm, the pumpkin gobs sound amazing! My husband and I love pumpkin-flavored things so I will definitely have to try this!

And, I'm super jealous that Emily will eat soup. Maddie wants nothing to do with it, even though I eat it often.

Love the tin!

Christina said...

I know everyone said this already, but how good do those pumpkin gobs sound? Yum!

Sandy said...

The pumpkin gobs sound so good!

Sherry said...

mm those pumkin gobs YUM! I couldn't leave my link over at MTM its not working right :(

Jeanette said...

Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love all things pumpkin!

Jen said...

Those cookies sound great! Very cute muffin tin. :)

Bran said...

ok I've gotta try your pumpkin gobs!

Andrea said...

Welcome back! We just returned, as well. :) Pumpkin anything baked sounds delish, so thanks for the recipe!

Susana said...

I love any type of pumpkin recipe and this one sounds delish!


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