Thursday, August 26, 2010

stART ~ Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?


Welcome to stART! I hope that you will enjoy our story and art project and maybe even share your own too. All I ask is that you link back to A Mommy’s Adventures so that everyone can see all the other great projects that everyone shares too! The linky will be open all week.

I added a stART tab in my navigation bar to make it easier to search for past stART projects. Be sure to check it out!! All the books that we have read and did a stART project for are listed in alphabetical order.


This week Emily has been talking about the zoo nonstop!  We were supposed to go to the zoo on Sunday, but were unable to go because it ended up raining all day.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will be able to go this weekend.  In preparation for our trip to the zoo we have been reading all of the books we have about the zoo.  So far Emily’s favorite is Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, by Bill Martin Jr.  This book  uses a fun repetitive and predictable text to introduce children to the different animals that can be found at the zoo and the sounds that they make.  I loved that by the middle of the book Emily was helping me read it! 

After reading the book I asked Emily which animal she would want to have in her own zoo.  She picked the peacock, and right away I knew Emily would love to make the pretty peacock pictures that I saw on The Frugal Family Fun Blog. 

peacock picture

Once Emily’s picture was finished I knew we had to put her peacock in a cage like at the zoo.  So we used an old styraphone lunch tray and some yarn to make a cage.


Emily glued her peacock picture to the tray


Emily used a blunt tip yarn needle to sew through the holes that I made in the styraphone tray. 

I helped her go back and forth into the correct holes, but otherwise she did this on her own.  My mom has been working with her on doing plastic canvas so she is used to sewing.


Emily’s Pretty Peacock at the zoo.


Anonymous said...


Christy Killoran said...

Great book! I also love it because kids always end up "reading" right along.

The cage you made is so cute! I love the peacock too.

We went to the Bronx zoo last summer and there was a peacock roaming free. It chased Collin and to this day, he is petrified of peacocks.

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Great activity on so many levels!

sbswtp said...

What a great activity!!! It came out really well...I love her concentration :)

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

I love the cage!

Debbie said...

Emily's peacock is so cute!

Ticia said...

Okay, so I didn't actually comment and got distracted. Super cute craft, I love this idea.

Brimful Curiosities said...

What a neat cage. Love how she practiced sewing.

Unknown said...

I love the "cage" addition to frugal family Fun's Peacock picture! Ya know what's funny about this idea to me? The the peacock is IN a cage! Our zoo used to have peacocks, but couldn't keep them cages, so they would just walk around the zoo for all to enjoy...

April said...

A cute idea to practice those sewing skills.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I love the peacock.

Lynn said...

Very creative!! Love the addition of the yarn. We tried a similar craft this week, after we went to a large outdoor aviary which has peacocks. I didn't have any of the round stickers, but I cut up some scrap paper and we used our do-a-dot markers. Well, my son was heavy handed with the glue, and about 1/2 hour later, I sat down on his project unknowingly. I stood up and it was completely glued to my pants! We had a nice laugh over it, at least. And then I changed outfits. :P

Amanda said...

I love the peacock and the cage.... how cute!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

I'm so happy Emily did the peacock picture!!! It looks beautiful! Well done!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

This came out so well. The peacock is really cute.

Katie said...

I get so many great ideas from your stART projects.
I'm giving you the Cherry on Top Award. Stop by my blog to pick it up!

Jackie Higgins said...

Love the "sewing". Her projects are just gorgeous every week. What an artist!


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