Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Frighteningly Frozen Fun


I was inspired to make this fun Halloween Activity after seeing a similar activity on Counting Coconuts.  I knew that Emily and Juliette would enjoy this and when I came across a bag of plastic creepy crawlies and spider rings from last year I knew that they would work perfectly.

First, I gathered all the things that I was going to hide in my block of ice.  I used some mini pumpkin erasers (target dollar spot), plastic bugs and skeletons (dollar tree) and spider and bat rings (dollar tree).  Next I put them in a round baking pan and added some ice cubes and then enough water cover the objects.  Then I put them in the freezer until the whole block thing was frozen.


After dinner the other night I put the block of ice into a shallow tub (mine was my cupcake/cake carrier) along with a bowl of warm water, some pipettes and a salt shaker.  Emily, Juliette and Grandpa got to work excavating the petrified plastic treasures!


Here Emily is focusing on freeing this bat ring and getting an excellent fine motor skills work out.

   IMG_5701 Juliette with the ring that Grandpa excavated for her!!

This activity was so much fun and everyone including Grandpa (my dad) enjoyed it.  In fact, I don’t know who had more fun, the girls or Grandpa :0)

Next time, I am going to pre-freeze some colored water ice cubes to add into the mix.  I think it will add some more fun as the colors melt.


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Check out other great ideas for Tots and Preschoolers:

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Elle Belles Bows said...

Great activity! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! I bet they had a wonderful time. Color would make it look really cool as it melts.

Ticia said...

This reminds me I wanted to do this too

Anonymous said...

oo what a great way to "use" some of the plastic bugs and spiders and all!!

Christy Killoran said...

I have to do this. WE make icebergs for the tub a lot. I freeze little toys in cups of water with some food coloring and then put one in the tub. This always entices the kids into the tub!

Kara said...

So fun! I love that Grandpa got involved too!

Tori said...

What a great, creative idea! Love it! Looks like everyone had a blast =)

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

This is a great idea! We don't really celebrate Halloween here but I can see how I could do other themes with this activity!

m.wright said...

Love it! I will be doing this as an activity at our toddler costume party. Too fun. BTW, I love all your ideas and read your blog regularly.

Cassie said...

That is a really cool idea!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a lot of fun!

Susana said...

This is so sweet that they did this with their Grandpa. I LOVE this idea! I've been wanting to do it for awhile and always forget. Thanks for the reminder. I love the way yours turned out. The Halloween colors look so festive.

Jackie Higgins said...

What a clever idea to add to colored ice cubes!

Emily Kate said...

Such a fun activity- and love that Grandpa is in on it!


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